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Re: Please help me!

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Remove Parasites and Worms
Get rid of the life suckers!

KJKI86 Views: 1,541
Published: 32 m
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Re: Please help me!

Thank you for your response I am trying to find a correct combination of herbs to rid Tapeworm in all forms, I feel like I’m an experiment right now and before I posted I took a dose of iver I had on hand which seemed to do some good but possibly some bad or it was already bad… this might sound crazy but I’m having trouble with my recall on what point each symptom started and I wish I’d written everything down as it happened but I know my muscles have been randomly constricting all over for months now and I was scared that going to dr would lead to a diagnosis of something terrible and I just turned 36 yesterday I have a 12 year old daughter and an almost 2 year old daughter and I’m not prepared to start the downhill side of life yet nor are they prepared to go forward through life without me. My husbands trouble swallowing solid foods turned to having trouble breathing today so we rushed to urgent care only to be laughed at tested for flu and Covid (both neg) and told it was allergies! The trouble breathing may have been anxiety induced which is not typical of him but things are getting intense and he hasn’t been able to get out of bed hardly for a few days also not typical at all for him, he looked at me before we turned off the lights tonight and told me he doesn’t feel like he’s going to be alive much longer , I’ve been thinking the same for a little while now and I just don’t know where to turn or what to do and not that it matters but money is flying out the window I seriously need some advice on remedies that are going to help and not drive this situation deeper, I’m sorry I didn’t explain first I was told by a nurse when I shared picture of stool that it looks like a Tapeworm and in U.S. you have to have a prescription to get the medication to get rid of Tapeworm Praziquantel(I believe it has other names but this is what the main name is) and it’s insane trying to get a prescription for this I swear idk what it could do but it must do something crazy for them to not want to write a prescription for an anti parasitic medication it’s not like we want to abuse it we just want to get better! I did find one hopeful option for animals but figuring dosage when everything these days goes to people trying to treat Covid is harder than I’d ever have imagined and I just don’t want to do something that is going to make things worse or make it untreatable and I’m getting these headaches that are making it harder to research anything! I guess that’s what led me to post bc usually I’m able to figure out solutions for myself but I’m loosing the ability to do anything this is bad and I’m pretty tough, I purchased something called scram at the health food store if anyone has any experience with that especially dealing with tapeworm please let me know I just don’t want to make things worse and I’m scared. I also have on hand diamond G Turpentine bc I thought it would be good to have on hand for medical situations in future but now that I’m in such situation I’m just worried I’m going to make things worse, because I’ve read over and over warnings of this possibility. I’m sorry I know I sound nuts and I’m exhausted with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated and thank you from my whole family thank you for caring about people you don’t even know I know everyone’s time is precious and I appreciate any of it spent on your response!


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