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Just being in the presence functions similarly like this...

Hindus have two words - satsang & darshan - which are impossible for Westerners to understand... 


Without Delgado's wires & electrode implants, a similar phenomenon occurs, as it did with the calming effect that occurred in the charge of a raging bull. It happens to people who are simply in the presence of a yogi who is firmly established in nonviolence.  Suddenly, mind slows, and love arises... for no visible cause. Just being in his presence functions like this, in just the way he is -- others moving under his energy field, and one is no longer the same -- the mind slows & a soothing love arises from within. 

Hindus have two words. One is satsang, which is impossible for the Westerners to understand because they say some teaching should be given. Hindus say presence is enough, no other teaching is needed. Another word is darshan. That too is difficult to understand: just to see a Master is enough; just to look into his eyes is enough; just to see is enough. Darshan means to see. Westerners come; they come to ask questions. When they remain for a few more days then they understand; then they start feeling that questions are useless. Then they start coming and they say, "I have nothing to say... just to be here." It takes time for them to feel that just to be with one who is firmly established in nonviolence is enough.


A Yogi Firmly Established in NonViolence Radiates a Calming Effect That can be Felt by Others in Close Proximity

That's why when such people who have attained, the masses have always felt that they can somehow hypnotize others. Nobody is hypnotizing, but a kind of hypnosis happens. Their very quality of being is soothing. Their very quality of being silences others; one's inner talk stops in their presence. You don't feel to be yourself; you feel somehow changed. When you go back home, again you have fallen back to the same as before - the same old one returns. Then you look back retrospectively and you feel you were hypnotized? Or what? Nobody is hypnotizing, but this has always been the usual case -- people will say that a Buddha hypnotizes, that a Jesus hypnotizes. Nobody is being hypnotized, but their very being is so soothing that you feel sleepy, relaxed. Their very being stills the minds of others, and relaxes those that are in close proximity.

Under their energy field, something which has been hidden comes up, surfaces, and something which has been up on the surface subsides. You are no longer the same; your very structure changes. If you can understand the process then you can understand the word Hindus have been using; the word is satsang: just to be in the presence of the enlightened ones. Nothing else is needed. The West is almost incapable of understanding it, that just the presence is enough. Satsang means just to be in the presence of one who has attained to truth -- to be with him, to be in his energy field, to feed on his energy.

In the last night, when Jesus was departing from his friends, he broke bread and gave it to his disciples and said, "Eat it; this is me." It is possible. When a man like Jesus takes the bread in his hand, the bread is no longer the same; it has become sacred. And when Jesus says, "It is me," he means it literally. To be in the presence of a Master is to eat him, literally. To be with him is to be in him.

In fact, old Hindu scriptures say that to be with a Master is to be in his womb. That energy field is his womb, and when you are in his womb you are being transmuted, transformed, transfigured; a new being is born. Through the Master, one attains to a new birth -- one becomes dwij, twice-born. One birth is attained through the father and the mother, the parents -- that is the birth of the body. Another birth is attained through the Master -- that is the birth of the spirit, the soul.

To be in the presence of a Buddha is to be on the way to becoming a Buddha. Nothing else is needed. If you can imbibe the presence, if you can allow the presence to work, if you can remain passive in the presence, feeding on it, receptive, everything will happen.

To bring a question is to bring a barrier; to come with questions is to come with a barrier. Just to come with no questions -- nothing to ask, just to be -- is to come without barriers. Then energy floats, meets, merges... But if you have a question then the mind is a buffer. When you don't have a question your being is there, open, vulnerable.

Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6
Chapter #1
Chapter title: A Life is a Mirror
1 September 1975 am in Buddha Hall




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