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Re: Long Covid?

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Re: Long Covid?

Thank you so much for all this great information!!

I have bookmarked everything and have so much studying to catch up on :) This is really great info, thank you again.

I've been wanting to post gratitude for awhile but have not been able to log in as I was unwell.

As for my case: I have not much opportunity to make much progress unforunately, I caught a break through case of COVID off my neighbors :( Fortunately it was not as rough, I dunno due to my antibodies naturally or the vaccines I took, or variant caught. It threw me, but not as severely this time. It was however a set back.

The good news on my front is I have worked up to a therapeutic dose (from what I understand of orthomolecular nutrition) of thiamine, which is helping mitigate some of my long covid symptoms (15% improvement? on some symptoms) and just beginning to enter therapeutic dose range for niacin, which is really helping my colon alot - more than I imagined, concerning me that I needed this for many years in past.

with long covid I find if I exert myself at all i get extreme muscle soreness and aching for many many days - I do not seem to recover much at all. I'm not sure why or how it works. I'm sure just curing the underlying cause is best.

However I worry. Is it a lack of circulation to my muscles when in use? more?

likewise with the now cold, I struggle so severely with sensitivity to cold (I have very badly since I first caught COVID last dec / jan) it's much worse than I imagined . I wonder, can my body no longer effectively warm itself up? Is this partly circulation?

Most importantly, I've been trying to save for enzymes. Looking more closely now at interfase (I have utmost respect for Klaire labs), I find it has an inactive ingredient I cannot take (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose). I need to find a substitute - I'm struggling to figure out how, especially with my mental fatigue state.

I heard Theramedix SPS-30 is good, i seem to be having trouble finding it, or also it had an ingredient I must avoid.

I honestly have no idea what makes a biofilm busting enzyme vs a digestive enzyme. I wish I could study better right now.

I'm hoping someone has some info :)

Meanwhile I am pineapple fasting a little again, as I can.

I am truly looking forward to really going after the biofilm, with enzymes and hopefully now address these quorum and efflux pump issues successfully :) here's hoping!!

Thanks again!!! :)


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