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Re: Long Covid?

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steven41 Views: 2,729
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Re: Long Covid?

You are absolutely not the only one that has been experienced in these conditions, I had covid twice, April of 20 and January of 21, to me it seems like it affects the GI tract in women the hardest, a cashier at the local convenience store I was so sick the other morning she had to leave and go to the doctor and they told her it was a GI infection, but she's back at work and I'm sure she's back just spreading the virus, I have studied and taught on this site for over 20 years, but as you see it's hard to fight the Invisible Man, everything that's always been taught on here it is bacterial or viral, and every teacher on here has Express there opinions about how to go about ReStore in the body. If I truly believe what I have been educated with and what I have scene in my education, I will just stay with the basics, because remember you're fighting a invisible man that was created in a laboratory. I plan on just trying to maintain with what I've been working with for years, at this point I feel like it's more important to fight to stay alive then to fight to get the issues resolved that this thing has brought upon us. They are not going to stop until they feel like they have 100% control, so it looks like they're just going to keep cycling this thing around with various names in various forms. This is a Time to reflect back on everything you have ever learned, and go through the Rolodex of all the stuff that you learned and you really never knew why or what the information would even be good for, and you may find some of your keys there. Because everybody's health conditions vary one size does not fit all so there's not a magic pill, I am fortunate enough that I live by myself and only see my girlfriend on weekends. Some of my protocol has been, 10000 IU of vitamin D 3, they say Ivermectin, so do with that as you will, I'm a Believer in all of oregano it helped me out a lot the second time I got covid, and I would definitely have some Flonase in my Arsenal that was also something that helped me through the second go-round. So I'm still here, but I'm not going to do any cosmetic surgery until this war is over, because I don't want to get so stressed out on cleaning up a mess while the machine is still slinging mud, when the mud stops I Will Hose her down and get her clean and see where we go from there. I guess what I'm saying the most important thing right now is to stay above ground. Because I believe it's going to take all of us a while to figure this thing out from the natural side. The issue that I'm having right now is when I eat it's almost like my stomach has shrunk and the food stays close to the top of my throat for longer than what I think it should, so I have been taking cascara Sagrada every few days to keep everything moving through oh, my body seems to be holding a lot of water when I eat certain things, and then it seems to take a while for the water to come off. I am also an extremely big fan of the pineapple in the pineapple juice, for the potassium to help keep the water off oh, that's what I use for a diuretic mostly. Get by yourself and meditate and don't let anybody else while your decisions what you meditated and you feel like you've seen the answers. That's where I am, and just try to enjoy the life that you have now.


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