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Mixed results with Liver Flush
nsw7 Views: 1,339
Published: 4 y

Mixed results with Liver Flush

Hello all,

Thank you for all of the fantastic advice you have contributed. This forum is so great.

So, I have attempted 4 Liver Cleanses now - according to the exact protocol from Andreas' book. I have only had 1 flush where I saw stones come out. It was on my 2nd cleanse and I released something like ~100 dark green ones a bit smaller than a pea (maybe 1/2 or 3/4 pea size).

One of the main issues I am trying to address is brain fog and declining cognition. I feel some success for 1-2 weeks after the cleanse but then things seem to get worse (as Anreas says). But anyways, I'm perplexed as to why no stones are coming out except for the 2nd cleanse.

I am performing 2-3 water enemas before and after the flush. I may try going for a colonic instead to be sure that is not the issue.

The only difference in the 4 flushes is the type of citrus I have used to mix with the olive oil. The 1st and 2nd I used pink grapefruit (again as he recommends), but the 3rd I was only able to find red grapefruit. Same with the 4th, and so on the 4th I mixed red grapefruit and lemon - just to experiment. I would NOT advise lemon. It is so tart that it becomes very difficult to drink the mixture quickly. It's gross. But I figured lemon was more powerful. Unfortunately - no stones.

I just thought I would see if any of you have experienced the same inconsistent results?

I am a 36 year old male and generally take care of myself, however it seems unlikely that 1 successful cleanse would rid me of all stones - based on what I have read...



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