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Cured Penile Candida
  Views: 1,006
Published: 5 y

Cured Penile Candida

Hello this is my first post, i only signed up here to help people, I noticed Candida on my penis when i was about 12, i am 21 now and ive been fighting it since i was around 14 so 7 years now. My mom told me when i was born i had a candida diaper rash. I was born through c section and dint get breast fed. I tried many things but after lots of praying, after lots of our fathers who art in heven and hail marys, i kept getting hints to where to look to. Now i am still dealing with thrush but its getting better, if i heal that too i will tell you everything i did but for now i will show you how to heal local penile candida that will most likely work for vaginal just as well. I have tried many things but it never worked that well the second best thing to this was direct apple cider vinegar but it never fully did the job. Ok you need 3 ingredients that it perhaps even two, unfiltered unpasturized raw honey and ...... Bakers yeast
i took a mason jar put a table spoon of raw honey in it, added a pinch of himalyan salt (just because i drink it and i dont want any bad bacteria to grow) then on top i added a spoon on brewers yeast. Now you can shake the filled up mason jar just slightly so that you can yeast on the sides of the jar. After a day there will be a foamy yeast that sits on top of the water and yeast type cream on the sides of the glass. When you take a shower wash yourself with a natural soap containing peppermint oil or any other natural antifungal and make sure you wash good. After you wash you take this cream type yellow pasty yeast and apply it evenly on your penis wherever the infection is. Next morning or even a couple hours after it will look like your yeast infection had gotten much worse but this is just s. CEREV not candida, and after about a day it comes off or you can wash some it off and what is left is clean skin without much of any infection. keep repeating the showers and applying this stuff but not to much. and discontinue when you dont have any more candida. There has been studies in mice that were healed with oral candida by putting s. cerev in there and women same thing but in the vagina. Now be careful because i read a study that 0.4 of all women comlaining of yeast infection that are not infact candida but turns out to be a s. cerev infection. So if this is your case it will only make it worse but in this case we are fighting yeast with yeast locally and it works well. s cerev will compete and at the same time s cerev belongs in our guts as part of or natural flora unlike s boulardii, dont do to much cause i worry that you can trade in a candida infection for a s. cerev infection, the key is balance


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