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Help Desperately Needed
nicoleitig Views: 1,351
Published: 6 y

Help Desperately Needed

I have recently been diagnosed with skin cancer and possibly lymphoma and I am looking for any ideas on some alternative ways to do a liver cleanse. To give you a little bit of my story, I have been dealing with Candida my whole life but it has gotten progressively worse in the last 8 years. I am pretty much allergic to almost everything at this point. I have been eating only eggs and chicken for years because I am allergic to all other foods. I can’t even be in the same room as gluten, dairy, fruits or vegetables without getting really sick. My liver and lymphatic system are so severely clogged. Back when it first started getting really bad, I tried probiotics, coconut oil, all the essential oils and antifungals and all of them made me very ill because my body isn’t able to filter out the toxins anymore. My allergies weren’t as bad then though. Since then, my symptoms have gotten so much worse so I haven’t even attempted to treat it. I have been just trying to keep it under control as much as possible. I also have scurvy from years of getting no vitamin c from my diet. The only thing that I am able to tolerate is Oxypowder Colon Cleanse because I have been taking that for a long time and never stopped. I am also able to tolerate a very small amount of Colloidal Silver . After doing some research, I think that the best course of action for me in my situation is to try the rife and topical iodine. My biggest concern is that my body is not going to be able to deal with the die off so I have to figure out a way to clean my liver first. The problem is that I can not do the flushes, take supplements, castor oil or most products. I know that this doesn't leave much left but does anyone happen to have any suggestions?



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