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Video Embedded Why Men Want Casual Sex
Eric B Views: 1,633
Published: 6 y

Why Men Want Casual Sex

Why Men Want Casual Sex

Question: “I am a 21-year-old university student. I have a girlfriend of about 6 months. When I first met her, I was committed to having as much casual sex with as many different girls as possible. I still feel a strong compulsion to do this, despite the moral doubt I have about it since following your show."

"Upon meeting this girl, it became apparent that she was amazing and a candidate for marriage. So I dropped my decadent approach to sex and I am now 6 months in to a monogamous relationship. I still have a drive to be single and have sex with as many girls as possible."

"I feel like a liar and deceiver because everyday I assure her of my commitment to her and that I plan to marry her, but I am not sure. I lie about my feelings. I took her virginity and assured her of long-term commitment when I wasn't sure about it. I really wanted to take a virginity to appease my ego."

"I feel terrible about it. I feel like I am the problem. I am the one contributing to the moral decay in romantic relationships in the West. I am the creator of women who create MGTOW guys.”

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