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Strange scalp/hair activity along with painful larvae. HELP!
graceslife Views: 2,112
Published: 7 y

Strange scalp/hair activity along with painful larvae. HELP!

Hi fellow sufferers. Tonight I've just about lost my mind. I've been suffering with a variety of parasitic infections for two years. Started with Cheylettiela and it's continued to go from one thing to another.
I'm so done and tired of crying. I got rid of worms and flukes but now have fly larvae in my chin and something in myscalp.
I had two little flies come out of a pimple like bump on my back about two months ago.
My scalp is a disaster. Weird hard white flakes that jump. Yes, they do its nuts. My husband observed.
I'm dealing with very painful larvae in my chin that won't die. But tonight did me in. Noticed prior hair growing in clusters. Some of these have raised crusted layer when removed leave a raw red patch that quickly heals over.
I started taking albendezole about three weeks ago. Cattle oral solution. I read some people lose their hair so when I started pulling alot of hairs out with the skin I figured ok, me too.
Tonight alot of hair was coming out when i tweezed dark crusted spots. Saw scalp was changing before myv eyes where the hair came out. I began to pull on the dark hair and it came out easy and in small clumps and left behind dark raised scaly spots and raised hard scalp in lines. Saw transparent things on the hair with magnifying tool and as I got close to this hair it moved away. I kept doing it to make sure it wasn't a shadow or my breath..not all the dark hairs do that but there were a enough to freak me out. Then it felt like little things were falling down my back. I know it sounds crazy but I never thought I have flies birth from a bump on my back either.
I took ivermectin last year for five days once a month for four months. Febendazole. Produced tons of flukes and small tapeworms. Didn't affect chin larvae.
Recently the skin on my chin began to change like my scalp. Prescribed albendazole for chin larvae.
I just need suport, reassurance, and good advice!!!!


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