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Re: Feeling exhausted, fever, flu like symptoms. Side effect of liver flush / chelation?
joegrane Views: 1,619
Published: 7 y
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Re: Feeling exhausted, fever, flu like symptoms. Side effect of liver flush / chelation?

If the "chelation" supplement was the primary reason for the symptoms I'd expect you to also include increased brain fog, anxiety or irritability or depression, reduced intellectual ability, maybe even strange tingly sensation in the forehead or brain from mobilzed mercury, etc.

Poor sleep, fatigue, strange heart symptoms that don't show up on ER doc's tests all fit metals detox, especially too much for your antioxidant defenses.

I would not stir up metals while doing the cleanses, etc. I chose Cutler protocol heavy metal detox so did not use cilantro. I took plenty of vitamin C, E selenium when kicking up metals.

Re heart symptoms. Did the doctors do a blood test--CMP? If so were your sodium and potassium okay?

OJ does not entirely replace water.

Do you take a multivitamin with minerals?

Would you tolerate some fruits and vegetables high in potassium? Do you add some salt to your food? Maybe some Gatorade or similar would be interesting to try.

I assume you did not see any blood in urine as a result of passing stones. Any history of UTI?


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