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Here we go again
WhoAreYouNormally Views: 2,049
Published: 7 y

Here we go again

These "stones" are very often (at least 70-90% of time) just bile that precipitated into cholesterol (hard bile) and it most likely happened during the liver flush.

As your intestines were very clean, cleaned by Epsom Salt taken before the oil, the only thing you have mixing with bile are oil and digestive juices. I do not know how it happen, but I assume that digestive juices from the stomach cause bile to turn into cholesterol.

That is the reason why some people keep expelling those stones even if they are doing Liver Flushes every single day, day after day.

ANd, another problem is, some of those cholesterol formations are simply too large to pass through common bile duct and through sphincter of oddi without getting stuck there.

So, just forget the story about the "stones", both Hulda and Andreas have it wrong there, they simply misunderstood what is going on.

Yes, real gallstones, if small enough, can also exit, and can also get embedded into those green "overnight created stones" but at least 70-99% of times those green "overnight created stones" are just formed overnight.

So, keep flushing if your think it is good for you, take a break from time to time, but do not fall for misunderstanding, as some people never "stop producing the stones" so if you goal is to reach the point where you have a Liver Flush with no stones, you may have to flush for a very long time.

Anyway, there are many alternatives to liver flushing, like drinking some oil every day, coffee enema, liver herbs, castor oil compresses, liver massage, gallbladder massage, foot massage, etc.

^^^^ posted by White Shark.

Where do I begin?

Ok, I'll start off with the extreme obvious.

Shark is a person who continually advocates people liver flush, claims benefits and yet posts this nonsense. It looks like we're going back in time 20 years.

First off, semantics semantics semantics.

We all know that the big greenish stones are cholesterol stones. Duh.

Don't try to play the semantics game.

Next this phrase *just bile that precipitated into cholesterol (hard bile) and it most likely happened during the liver flush.*

More word games.

Yes, they precipitated into stones inside the liver or gallbladder due to malfunctioning metabolism.

That's why people liver flush! To get them out.

Some people keep reforming these stones due to poor health, eating habits, etc. But they do not form from olive oil overnight.

I've heard people say it's because bile is released and 'magically combines with the oil to form these stones.


Bile digests oil, it does not 'undigest' oil.

The phrase 'most likely happened during the flush' has been thrown around by various people over the years. And guess what? It never holds water. Not a single person besides doosh gerthi ever even proposed a mechanism by which the cholesterol stones were created magically during the flush process. We are stilllllll waiting. Doosh gerthi was refuted properly as apparently he does not know the difference between lethally strong alkaline substances ...


and weak acids like lemon juice or grapefruit juice

which will never ever magically convert olive oil into a stone.


*I do not know how it happen, but I assume that digestive juices from the stomach cause bile to turn into cholesterol.*

Yes you don't know how it happens because it doesn't happen. It cannot be replicated outside of the stomach. HCL acid is, well, an acid. Acids do not saponify fats.

Add to this the fact that many people who pass the large cholesterol stones do not pass them every single flush.


The very next flush will not produce the same large stones.

If you are going to make false/incorrect claims like this then at least take 10 seconds and think them through logically. If the stones were actually created by the oil then we could reasonably repeat this occurrence. But this never happens to anyone ever.

Also, people occasionally pass some large cholesterol stones simply from drinking apple cider.

This has been reported quite a few times.

How does fermented apple juice magically turn into a cholesterol stone?

A: It doesn't.

Another false claim * is the reason why some people keep expelling those stones even if they are doing Liver Flushes every single day, day after day.*

Few or no one does Liver Flushes every single day. I have never read of this happening to anyone ever. You're not supposed to do this because common sense. And if anyone did this I'm waiting for proof that a single person can repeatedly produce large stones from flushing every single day.

If it were true then every person in the mediterranean who eats greek salads with olive oil and lemon juice would be passing cholesterol stones constantly. To my knowledge this has not happened.

But but but the sphincter of oddi is not large enough to pass large stones!!!


The sphincter of oddi, and all sphincters in the body can dilate, as can the birth canal to allow passage of very large objects and very large babies.

Additionally some of the very large stones people pass are actually aggregates of other large but not giant stones. So if you see something the size of a baseball then yea, we're beyond the limits probably of how far the common bile duct can stretch, but these are aggregate stones formed as they bind together while travelling through the intestines.

I will dig up some literature later, if I have to, of the largest surgical bile duct stents. They are very large and take into account that the cbd can indeed stretch quite a bit. All smoothe muscle in the body can stretch. This is the exact rationale for two ingredients of the liver flush:

1) high dose of magnesium to enable smoothe muscle dilation
2) large pulse dose of oleic oil to forcefully expel contents of the liver and gallbladder

Another logical fallacy coming up...

Anyway, there are many alternatives to liver flushing, like drinking some oil every day, coffee enema, liver herbs, castor oil compresses, liver massage, gallbladder massage, foot massage, etc.

Ok so assuming Shark is correct, then if we lower the dose of oil as he suggests here, then we should see little stones, right? Wrong, this does not happen. It's because there is a threshhold dose that will create enough stimulus on the biliary system to release. I've tried it all. This doesn't not happen.

Yes, some people are stonemakers. They do continually create stones. This is not a refutation of the liver flush; it just means that their metabolism is fuxored. Stone formation is a well known symptom of hypothyroidism.

And then we get into the absurd where he's saying foot massage can release gallstones. Not buying this.

Some people report results with coffee enemas, but they are not as good as liver flushes. Some of the rest can be effective too.

>>20mm stones expelled with 7F stent (whatever the f that is)

>=20mm is more than .8 inches diameter which is about what we see in the gallery from people with large stones. So the medical literature fully supports that these things can pass. The flush is certainly easier since no surgery is involved.



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