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Re: Parasite Help Please: Is it possible to have developed IBS through this process of having parasites or is it a continuation of parasites?
Bhoward100 Views: 1,876
Published: 7 y
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Re: Parasite Help Please: Is it possible to have developed IBS through this process of having parasites or is it a continuation of parasites?

Here is a parasite cure that I used after trying everything because I could not get diagnosed and doctors were no help at all. Betaine Hydrochloride, Goldenseal and DE powder. All sold on Amazon. After a few days of taking all three the parasites have started to dry up and I feel normal again. I am now focused on a cleanse to remove the dead ones from my body. I can now wash and comb my hair they were under my entire scalp and were huge. You could see them through a head scarf and hat. I was afraid to touch my hair so I wore head scarves and hats the whole time. My scalp is now flat as it should be and there is no movement in my body. I will continue the products for the next 3 months and continue to use the products a couple days a week to keep them from coming back. It took me 2 years to find a cure. Just do not give up. I thought I was going to die for sure and started writing my final letter to my family. I can go and find a part time job now. Thank God!


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