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Sulbutiamine scam dangerous poison side effect liver bad effect made me sick nootropic
theman12345 Views: 1,258
Published: 7 y

Sulbutiamine scam dangerous poison side effect liver bad effect made me sick nootropic

Hey. I figured I would post this here considering it was deleted from the nootropics sub reddit. I put lots of words in the title so someone might find this post from a google search

I put this here to warn other people. I took sulbutiamine for a bit, and got very sick so did this person here

and this person had a strange experience

It does not convert to thiamine in the body. Besides messing with dopamine/other neurotransmitters there is reason to believe it is a thiamine transporter inhibitor therefore induces thiamine deficiency in someone. It is structurally similar to thiamine disulfide which is a known thiamine transporter inhibitor. If someone has taken it I recommend getting a refund from the seller, as I, and lots of other people on amazon did, and start taking thiamine HCL up to several grams a day if needed, and bakers yeast which contains all the other b vitamins (except 12). The people selling it know, and don't care or worse want to induce thiamine deficiency in people. They will make up all kinds of excuses why someone got sick "you are only supposed to take it every second day" or "no longer than 4 days in a row" etc. This is bullshit as a non poisonous substance can be taken every day forever eg a b vitamin. So these people are lying scumbags, and they are all over this forum spreading subtle propaganda.

The studies on sulbutiamine, TTFD (also made me sick), and benfotiamine (not as dangerous as the other two but still does not turn into thiamine in the body) are fake.

After realising this I suspect studies on piracetam, and other racetams are fake too. They were derived from GABA so if someone wants to take them take GABA instead which is safe, and effective. Yes it does cross the blood brain barrier- it is just another lie that it does not.

Don't take anything not naturally occurring. Naturally occurring molecules= safe, and effective. Analogs or derivatives of naturally occurring molecules= range from slightly more dangerous whilst less effective to poisons, and not effective. Sulbutiamine is the latter.

Huperzine A is natural, and looks amazing so take that if want a good nootropic. And thiamine HCL is the best nootropic in the world not any man made derivatives of it.

TLDR: Sulbutiamine is poison, studies on it are fake, people pushing it are scum of the earth take thiamine HCL instead.


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