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divide and conquer
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divide and conquer

Hi Tansybelle,

I have no time to read debates in the Debate Forums .

But if someone reports abuse, I will be very grateful that it is reported and that I can remove it.
I definitively believe that people can behave nicely to each other, even if they do not agree with each other.

But I also have understanding for people who have experienced extreme traumatic events in their life, events like war, rape, violence etc and I understand that someone who may have experienced the ugly sides of religious, or racial or national wars may have extreme and very strong opinions about people of the opposite race, opposite religion, opposite nation etc.

Palestinian people have no reason to love Israeli people, and Israeli people have no reason to love palestinian people, etc (even, if they would know history, they would know that all of them share common ancestor, all of them are brothers and sisters, all of them look alike , and the only difference is that religion and different language and different culture was used as a tool to divide them and make them into enemies).

DIVIDE AND CONQUER, that is how wars are created, and it works every time for people who are on the lower level of consciousness.

I know one thing:
If you dislike other peoples opinion, and there is potential in escalation of the debate into a name calling, and flaming, the best thing to do is to say:
"I respectfully disagree with your views or your words or your opinions, I am out of this debate."
People who like to flame others, can only do so if you keep replying to their messages.
If you think someone is trolling any forum, THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS REPLY TO HIS/HER MESSAgES, even if your reply is to show your disagreement or to point to flaws in logic.
Every time your reply to any troll, you only feed the troll, and you only bring his/her messages to the top of the main forum page, top of the debate mosaic forum front page, top of the general mosaic forum front page, ... in other words, you are making trolls messages more visible by replying to it. Every single reply to a trolls message feeds the troll. There is nothing you can write in the reply to any troll, that will harm the troll. It will only feed the troll, cause trolls can even feed on stones and on the most indigestible of the foods.

SO, do not feed trolls, and you will starve trolls to death.

If some message is very offensive, just click on the button:
"Alert Bad Message" (the button is only visible in the single message view )

In that case, forum moderators will be alerted, and will be able to delete the message before it initiate world war III.

DIVIDE AND CONQUER is exactly the same thing that is happening on CureZone Forums .
People of different opinion start hating each other, but if they introduced each other in some other circumstances, in the real world, in cafe, on a beach, they may even like each other, or even become the best friends or even fall in love with each other or even become husband and wife.
But here, in the virtual world, they are "enemies" who hate each other based on opinion on something that may not even be important in the real world.

What they seem to forget, is that all people on this planet are brothers and sisters, we all share the same ancestors, we all have red blood, we all bleed when hurt, we all feel pain, and there is absolutely no real reason why we should hate each other.

best of health


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