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Re: My death sentence, more cyst than man.
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Re: My death sentence, more cyst than man.

Went to the eye doctor today. He said there is was no sign of infection in the eyes and doesn't think there is any larvae in there. The way we talked when he asked about why I was taking the Plaquenil, and also if I had porphyria made me comfortable enough to share some of my cyst theory with him. I guess not only can this be taken for Porphyria but it's also alarming if you have porphyria and are taking it. If that makes any sense. I have to go back for another test in a couple of days before I can start taking it. Mass toxins from leaking cysts is what I really think caused me to have this. I can deal with it treat it and move past no problem. What I cannot deal with is puking bile every time I have a bowel movement, and then see what looks like skins of worms or worm babies everytime I go. Then every week or so I end up passing a really long one well over 8 inches, it doesn't look segmented. I have another thread on here with some pictures. No doctor realizes how sick I am, I think only my roommate does, but probably doesn't think about how sick or that I am sick the whole time he is at work. I know in my heart and mind that this is an echinoccous or hytadid disease of some sort going on, the two large cysts in the corners of my back (common place for fat deposits) have grown and feel split in places, like daughter cysts. I am passing adult worms at times and months of DE and no Sugar won't kill them. So somehow they keep coming back over and over again. Believe me I know it sounds crazy, but I have studied so much trying to get better reading case study after case study and biology of worms, protocols, herbs, cleanings, so much- it has to be this because I cannot kill the worms I pass. It is my understanding that if these are cysts they are filled with tiny scolexs, is this what I am seeing coming out every time? Bursting cysts remnants of babies and some escape and grow into adults ? It started with two in the corners of my back, I had them for years and constant GI problems. If I lay on my back and put my legs up and dig my fingers into the back of my legs I can feel cysts all the way down, fibrous masses and cysts around tibia bones, I think I could easily tear my tibia or fibula, whichever the thin one is. There is also many in the calf muscles. These were not here at Christmas time. I am certain. I can rub my biceps and feel them on there as well. It seems sort of symmectrical on both legs but there is a spot or two that hurts really bad on the left one. I don't think it's a disorder like fibromyalgia because I pass worms and puke bile regularly. I have a technique I use to keep the vomiting at bay when I can, it's either jogging or laying on my back and going horizontally against the carpet. I don't know why this helps but it does. It is almost like I am rubbing the cysts on the corners of my lower back but who knows. If I allow myself to puke I dry heave almost indefinitely. Everytime I have a bowel movement I feel like I gotta url and it's always just yellow bile if I expel it. I usually fall into the bathtub and shock myself with water from the showerhead cold to hot. I circle my face with it and then my abdomen and back, it's the only other thing that stops me from letting the bile come up. I finish my bowel movement right there some times or get back on the can- There is always something left over and a finger has to be used or an enema, and when the enema is expelled guess what I see, baby little worms. or worms skins. That's what it looks like anyway. If I give myself another enema right after this the skins or tiny scolexes whatever they are will come out in droves. Just them in water. Can you destroy echinoccous without chemotherapy or surgery? I am tired of waiting on these doctors weighing 125 down from a normal weight of 165 just withering away into the wind.


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