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Liver flush now stuck stones or sod
werdsna82 Views: 949
Published: 8 y

Liver flush now stuck stones or sod

I did my 7th liver flush in January and have been exieriencing hell ever since. My digestion has gotten so bad I can barely eat and have lost a ton of weight. I tried many things on the stuck stone protocol to no avail. I believe I have sludge or small stones in my CBD or pancreatic duct or my sphincter of oddi started malfunctioning. I have constant ruq pain (no gb) and left sided pain that radiates to the back. If I eat any amount of oil I get severe pain and my right arm starts aching and blood vessels start popping. My skin looks darker, especially in the morning when my bile backs up. My nails are darker red. I can't do another flush because I am sure I would get acute pancreatitis. Now I'm wondering if all that oil I was ingesting just kept causing major damage to my pancreas. I went to the doctor and my MRCP showed a filling defect. He did a EUS before an ERCP and didn't do anything because he didn't see anything. I started Ursodiol in hopes to dissolve anything going on in there. I am eating 3 grams of fat per meal and still really uncomfortable. I'm also taking digestive enzymes w/ every meal in order to absorb some nutrition. I'm so miserable and don't know what to do next. If I eat any fat my face, neck, and back break out in horrible acne. The only plus side is after that flush the moons on my fingernails have started to come back. I need help please. I really regret doing that last flush. I feel like I'm going to get pancreatitis every time I eat and I'm down to 92 lbs.


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