8 y
Armpit Odor and I'm Bummed
Hi everyone,
This is a very difficult post to write. Not only is this problem embarrassing, but I can't find its source. I've had an odor coming from my privates (anus and vagina) which I take care of by using boric acid suppositories they work very well. I only get the anal odor after going to the bathroom (and I go every 4 days). I'm guessing it's a fungal infection. However, I can't get rid of this musty odor from my armpits...The odor starts after 5 hours (I've measured the time) of wearing deodorant. I've tried everything natural for this (apple cidar vinegar, lemon, lime, alcohol, coconut, etc.) but especially with the hydrogen peroxide, my armpits smell aweful, the smell of the peroxide or the apple cider vinegar will not vanish, even when mixed with water,etc. I do have borderline hypothyroidism and some fibroids but I was wondering if there is an armpit PH test I should take, or blood tests I could ask to take (vitamin defficiency tests?) I've already spent so much money just trying to figure out what's wrong with me...Oh, and I did the Miradry Level 5 and 4 on both armpits...that was a waste of noth time and's not a sweat problem... even though I reapply the deodorant after 5 hours, I won't smell but when I wash my clothes they smell like bad mildew...I've tried Polysporin to no avail...I keep buying new shirts cause after I wear them like twice, they smell bad and I gotta change them...this is so costly but thank god for now i can work from home but I want to use my college degree and travel the world, which I can't do at all right now...I heard clay can help, I applied some to the armpits...they didn't smell bad while the clay was on them, which is great but once I rinsed it off after 5 hours it smelled bad - my feet also smell bad but I work from home and when I wear leather shoes I'm ok...Sorry this is long!