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Anal discomfort, does this sound like fungal or candida overgrowth?
Matt89 Views: 1,193
Published: 8 y

Anal discomfort, does this sound like fungal or candida overgrowth?

I've been suffering for over two months now. It began after taking Ciprofloxican, which I was taking for epididymitis. The drug gave me a rash on my arms and also caused some diahrea. Started to get an occasional anal itch, which soon became and near daily itch made worse after every time I had a bowel movement. I noticed the skin between my buttocks would turn red. Then I started to feel an uncomfortable sensation like I was sitting on something, or like something was stuck in my anus (I'm not sure where the feeling is, because I can't seem to find it). The skin is still quite red around the area.

Went to the doctor and they said the skin looked dried out, but could not find any visible hemorrhoid, or other problem with my anus. Was prescribed hemorrhoid cream, but it does very little to calm the itch, and doesn't help with the stuck feeling in my anus.

I'm wondering if this all sounds like an anal candida infection, or does it sound more like something else like a hemorrhoid, fissure, or something else? I'm going to see a GI about my problems and I kind of want to begin with the possibility of fungal infection. I have no bleeding, and no sharp pains, or other symptoms, other than on and off mushy stools which seem to look ragged or fuzzy, and they also first began after taking Cipro.


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