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mirena side effects
Vermonter Views: 1,126
Published: 8 y

mirena side effects

I am wondering if my chronic lower back pain and stiffness in my hips might be caused by my Mirena IUD ??  My 1st Mirena was placed due to terrible bleeding. After 5 yrs a 2nd Mirena was inserted to not have the previous bleeding problem. During this time I have had weight increase, a high resting pulse daily of 104, my hair growth is very little, I get pins and needles feeling in my fingers and toes.

        But most AWFUL is my chronic low BACK PAIN that comes and goes for no reason.  Usually 800mg Advil 2x a day will handle it.  Other times,  It can hurt so bad I want to cry. That s when I m taking Advil 3x day with muscle relaxant and Ben Gay cream. I have gone to physical therapy, pool therapy( no help) and chiropractor now.(some relief) I do daily stretches (no relief). Hurts most when I stand to take a shower and dry my hair or load a dishwasher or stand to cook.  Pain gets better if I sit for 10 min. Can this back pain be from the Mirena ?? Also if I sit for too long at a time, my hips are very stiff and its hard to walk for first few steps. Anyone else have this experience ?? Trying to decide if I should remove Mirena ? I ve suffered for 2 yrs like this now. My Xray doesn t show any major back problem. A handful of times I ve gone to ER with severe and acute terrible constant pain that wakes me up and doesn t allow me a comfortable position for a minute. This can last several hours, like a pinched nerve.



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