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EMF & Sleep

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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EMF & Sleep

How to Sleep like a Baby:

Firstly, get grounded!

It means you go barefoot as much as possible. Walk on the grass, or do barefoot gardening like I do.

I learned that grounding or earthing is healthy on so many levels. The earth is the biggest source of antioxidants available to us.

Recently, scientists have found the common bond between all antioxidants- they all have a free ion, making them negatively charged.

The more I learn about man made inventions, the more I understand that they all add positive ion burden to our body. The other way of saying it is- they cause free radicals in the body.

Plastic, electricity, all electric appliances like our computers, bombard our body with positive electrons, just adding even more free radical burden to our bodies.

I first experimented going barefoot for several hours in my garden. I noticed my sleep improved greatly. It was deep and refreshing.

I noticed for a long time during my illness that I felt much better outside than inside. I thought it was just the fresh air and sunshine. It was, but much more.

When we are in buildings, every inch we are higher than ground level, the electric charge on us increases.

If you have a basement, like most Canadians do, you are suspended in the air, 10 feet from the ground because we don't sleep in our basements.

If I slept on the second floor, the charge would be even worse. I'd be 20 feet in the air. Not only am I not getting free negatively charged ions from the earth, but I'm actually being bombarded with positively charged radiation.

You can imagine, flying in an air plane is extremely high radiation.

So when I was outside, even though I was still insulated from the ground because of the plastic soled shoes, I still felt better at ground level, but I didn't know why.

Later on, I also learned that I would get headaches, nausea and chest pain around Cell Phone s and WIFI.

But outside, I would get less EMF from these sources.

So obviously we can't walk around barefoot like animals do. There are actually many shoes on the market that ground you with highly conductive carbon.

Or you can just put tacks in your shoes, pointy end to the ground, bended flat. But you have to lose your socks or wear very thin cotton or wool socks to be conductive to the ground.

I have a pair of grounded flip flops. I got them in April when there was still snow on the ground. And I have worn them through the snow and rain.

As long as snow didn't get on my feet, my feet were always warm. That to me, made me understand how native Americans wore moccasins in our freezing winters.

Leather would get wet in the snow, and yet they obviously didn't freeze their feet. They added fur inside the moccasins or mukluks, but likely their feet were often damp.

I personally have experienced this warm feet feeling. I bought moccasins. They only have two layers of leather on the sole. And I have walked on the grass and rock paths with them.

They feel SO good! It's like a massage and free ions in one!

It's interesting: my feet were warm to very warm, but my hands were cold when there was still snow on the ground.

I have now used my moccasins for 1 hour walks, almost every day. And we have about 6 inches of snow!

Usually the moccasins don't even feel damp. I wear 2 layers of wool socks, and my moccasins hardly even get wet.

I stick to the snow as much as possible, because that's where the conduction is. But even snow across concrete sidewalks is conductive as well. The only thing that's not conductive is asphalt roads. That's NOT conductive.

So I stick to my sidewalks, and my grass, and my snow. And it feels wonderful!

The natives understood the earth's healing. When people were sick, they would dig a deep hole to damp earth, lay the person in it, and cover them in warm materials. They would nurse them for some days, and the patients usually got better.

Being in contact with the damp earth, their whole body would soak up negative electrons and heal itself.

They also would have their children wet their moccasins when they danced around the fire. This made them even more conductive. I think that's so amazing!

I believe they tried what they saw animals instinctively doing. Animals will dig a hole when they are sick, and lay in it. And this makes them better.

We need to tap into this energy for as many hours as possible.

How to get grounded when you're in your home?

I bought a body belt and a smaller arm band for when I work on the computer and when I sleep.

It is simply a cloth with silver running through it, that touches your skin. There is a metal piece that attaches to a long coil wire. This wire is connected to the grounding of the house.

The grounding of the house is the 3rd prong of most electric outlets. You have to buy a little device that tells you if your plug is actually grounded.

I saw a guy on the internet saying he felt sick from the grounding device he bought. He actually saw an increase in positive charge from his EMF reader. This means his house was NOT grounded and he was making his EMF pollution on his body many times higher- extremely unhealthy!

When you're using a grounding wire, the EMF charge on you goes almost down to 0.

My experience with it is I have fewer headaches from the computer.

But I put this in my #2 position of lifestyle changes because my sleep improved to what I never experienced before in my life.

It's like going in a time machine. You go to bed in the dark and wake up to sunshine! This never in my life has happened for me.

Even as a child, like I said before, I woke up so many times. As a kid, this makes us scared of the dark because waiting to fall asleep in the middle of the night, is NOT natural.

But now my sleep is SO wonderful.

We actually went camping a few weeks ago. I LOVE being out in nature, but I'd sleep REALLY poorly because I was always listening for bears.

So I could only camp for about 4 days before my lack of sleep would make me feel sick!

This time camping, I put a screw driver in the ground, with a stainless steel wire wrapped around it, and this wire would lead to my body and arm belt. I actually use my arm belt wrapped around my foot. I have it touching the Chinese acupuncture point k1 or kidney 1.

Well, I slept wonderfully.

I slept at 10pm and was up with the birdies at 5 or 6. Camping just got more wonderful!

And of course, I wore my grounded flip flops. I felt so good, that I wrote 3 songs on my guitar.
I've never done this before, but it's coming so easy!

When sleep is deep and restorative, the body detoxes, and our brains work so much better. This is the most creative I've ever been. The other major quick benefit I saw from grounding, was the change in my complexion.

I not only slept like a rock but I was so surprised what I saw in the mirror that morning.

At first glance I thought, "Wow! Why do I look so pale?" And then I realized, I just wasn't red with rosacea.

I got so used to seeing my red face beside my super white neck, for so long, that now I actually thought I looked pale!

There is much research on how grounding brings down inflammation, which is 100% the problem of rosacea.

Many dermatologists say that rosacea is caused by some kind of skin tick. And it may be.

From my experience, the raw diet brought down my inflammation over several months but grounding changed my entire complexion overnight. I actually had 3 people that day tell me, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. You look great!"

It's also very interesting that several months into grounding, I stopped wearing foundation. I have worn makeup every day in public to hide the redness since I was 13.

Now my skin looks even better than it did WITH mineral makeup. I haven't worn makeup in months now.

We actually had a big event where we hadn't seen people for a long time. So I thought I'd put on some foundation to look my best. After I was done, I realized that it covered up my glow.

I looked better BEFORE the makeup! So I took it all off!

It's amazing how quick my makeup routine takes now, maybe 10 minutes, because I need my mascara to dry between coats.

You can research cheap ways to ground yourself. Electricians have been using arm grounding bands for decades. But they attach to something metal with an alligator clip. We need to plug it into the grounding of the house.

Do more research on earthing or grounding because it's VERY powerful.

If you are on medication, you may need to reduce it.

Simple things, like just starting to eat more fruits and veggies, can affect drugs. All those antioxidants are trying to neutralize toxins from pharmaceuticals.

If you start grounding, and are on medication, start with small periods of time and monitor with your doctor.

You can see how earthing thins the blood in videos on the internet. I have used it many times for quick relief from headaches. When you get grounded, and your blood thins, usually, the headache goes away.

But you can experiment for free first by just going barefoot. If you are fortunate enough to live by a beach, I'm so jealous:)

That would be my dream, to walk the beach every sunrise and sunset barefoot. But I digress.

The times I have been on beaches, I always felt great. Many of us have experienced falling asleep on the beach. It's like being knocked out.

All those antioxidants from the earth cleanses us in our sleep. And being in the water, with the highly conductive Sea Salt , it gives us a huge dose of negative ions.

Now more on sleep:

EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) keep us awake at night. People don't realize this.

Cell Phone s and WIFI mess with our hormones at night. It keeps us from going into deep sleep, thus preventing us from fully detoxing.

I keep my cellphone 40 feet away from me when it's on. That's the entire length of our house.

When my hubby is home and needs his Cell Phone on, we put it high up on a shelf, inside a small bread pan. A wire is wrapped around it, and leads outside to a long nail shoved into the ground.
It will receive signals from above, but can't give radiation out to the sides. That's the theory anyways; I have no idea if it actually works.

I do this because I know that you can make a Faraday cage which blocks signals, just by putting a metal bread pan over your WIFI router.

So we've been using this method with our phones. I've been looking for an EMF reader, but they're pretty expensive.

But the cellphones are always turned off at night.

All my friends know that they need to text me, because I won't answer calls.

But the other day, I slept really poorly, and I realized it was because I left 3 voice messages on my friend's phones that day. Radiation during the day actually affected my sleep at night.

And I never use the phone in a bus or car. I don't even text, because the radiation increases many times in a metal framed vehicle. The metal acts as an antenna.

Before I learned about electro-magnetic pollution, I ended up in emergency with chest pain.

After the doctors said that there was nothing wrong with my lungs or heart, I started doing research. What was going on?

I learned that EMF can cause sleeplessness, and chest cramping. I checked how many wireless internet signals were in our home at the time. We had 3 signals that were 5 bar, and many more weaker signals!

So I asked our neighbours to turn off their wireless and just use cable for a week.

(Because I knew them- they were my friends- and I was wearing a heart monitor at the time, they were very eager to help!)

Sure enough, my chest pain went away and I started sleeping better. It was then I knew we needed to move into a more controlled environment. I needed to be farther away from my neighbours.

There are a couple of theories why EMF affects some people so much.

1. I may have more metal in my body, so I'm a better antenna for EMF.

2. EMF makes candida go crazy, making you feel ill.

Because I was recovering from chronic fatigue, both of these could have been possibilities.

We moved.

In our new place, our bedroom had very weak signals from our neighbours, and we use cable connection for internet. So my sleep was really good.

But you may have read on my blog how I was doing so amazing, felt amazing and looked better than I have in years.

I was almost finished writing this book, and suddenly stopped sleeping for two months! I couldn't figure out why.

Finally, it was because the WIFI from our neighbours around us went from 4 extremely weak signals, up to 10 quite strong signals.

So I bought some EMF blocking material, grounded it, and sleep under it.

Now I am sleeping wonderfully again. I am so happy that it only took me a couple months to figure out, instead of many months.

The sheet I sleep under protects my important glands that promote sleep, detox and anti-ageing. I sleep with it pulled right up to my chin. That way it protects the thyroid in my neck.

I also sleep with a cloth over my head to keep out any light. I put an EMF blocking sheet on top of that. I cover the complete top of my head, down my cheeks and my eyes, almost to the end of my nose.

It's obviously important to protect your brain. But this also protects your pineal gland, located between the eyebrows, around the top of your nose. Your pineal gland produces human growth hormone to keep you young, and also produces melatonin.

So protecting this gland is really where refreshing sleep begins.


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