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Natural Cancer Cures & a Powerful 10-Step Treatment Protocol
HolisticWay Views: 3,582
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Natural Cancer Cures & a Powerful 10-Step Treatment Protocol


As a nutritionist, health coach, and cancer researcher, I discovered that:

One isn't sick because he/she has cancer, but rather, one has cancer because he/she is sick. Cancer is a symptom, warning signal, and part of the body's survival mechanism to provide us with more time to address the root cause of cancer: a highly acidic (low oxygen) toxic body (almost all cancer patients have a pH of 5.5 or lower) resulting in a damaged immune system. This is due to a nutritionally deficient diet and/or poor lifestyle habits like: prolonged high mental/emotional stress, too many toxins in the body (from accumulated chemicals, heavy metals, etc), severe vitamin D (sunlight) or melatonin (sleep) deficiency, and/or prolonged exposure to environmental stressors (like air pollution, electromagnetic pollution/EMFs, ionizing radiation, etc.). The body needs to be alkalized (ph>7) because cancer cannot survive in an alkaline (oxygenated) environment.

Cancer is a group of cells that have abnormalities in their genes, and our bodies are continually developing cancerous cells throughout our lives. However, a healthy immune system identifies and destroys these cells before they are able to grow uncontrollably. It's only when the immune system fails at this basic function that cancerous cells are allowed to grow and reproduce at uncontrollable rates, thus creating a life-threatening situation. For this reason, any cancer healing protocol recognizes that damaging the immune system is a primary concern and works to build it back up, not tear it down further as is the norm when having conventional cancer treatments.

Misinformed by narrow-minded, conventionally-trained physicians, most cancer patients are told their only hope are the toxic, ineffective, but hugely profitable treatments of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Most patients administered chemotherapy die within a few years of treatment either from secondary cancers or weak immunity as a direct consequence of the treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation combined are the leading cause of secondary cancers worldwide. Worst yet is the long-term, negative impact on the patient's quality of life due to poor health and cognitive function after receiving this toxic treatment.

Meanwhile, there is tons of suppressed, valid scientific evidence proving we can both prevent and cure cancer naturally with a healthy diet, lifestyle, and environment. Many proven, safe, natural, effective, inexpensive treatments for cancer are available to anyone, yet, they are continuously ignored by the medical establishment because they cannot be patented and thus cannot be profited from.

Watch this documentary about natural cancer cures.

Read testimonials of people who cured their cancer using various natural therapies.

An effective 10-step treatment protocol is:

1. Get proper nourishment:

Eat small meals infrequently so the body isn't busy digesting food, but using its energy to heal itself. Intermittent fasting (restricting eating time window to 8 hours a day) is helpful.

Eat plant-based (alkaline) foods to cleanse: local (fresh) and organic when possible, seasonal, and mostly raw or lightly cooked (light steaming, gentle sautee, or baking). This includes veggies, dark leafy greens, raw nuts and seeds, fermented foods, herbs, spices, and low fructose fruits like berries. Also eat sea vegetables and seaweeds (very high in alkalizing minerals, iodine, and chlorophyl for detoxing). This includes foods like kelp and spirulina.

Boost the immune system with the most bioavailable source of vitamin C, lypospheric Vitamin C (1 packet, at least 3x/day), and with probiotic-rich foods like fermented foods (our immunity center is our gut) or with a high quality probiotic.

Eat specific cancer-killing foods like: apricot kernels (vitamin B17/laetrile, 10-20 kernels throughout the day, chew well), graviola (soursop fruit, fresh from asian store or 1 cap 3x/day), Essiac and Hoxsey herbal tonics, turmeric spice (curcumin) with black pepper and fats to increase absorption, raw garlic (5-6 cloves crushed daily, then wait at least 15 minutes before eating), apple cider vinegar, baking soda (aluminum-free), frankincense and myrrh essential oils, cordyceps/reishi/maitake/shitake/chaga mushrooms (have beta-glucan), and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, watercress, kale, radish, etc which all contain sulfur). These foods destroy cancerous cells and cancer stem cells.

Other beneficial foods: dark leafy greens, lemons and limes, beetroot, ginger, coconut oil, avocados, olives (olive oil), red onions, hot peppers like cayenne (has capsaicin), flaxseeds, celery, dark red grapes (with skin and seeds), black cumin oil, moringa, pineapples (has bromelain), brazil nuts (has selenium), almonds, papaya, black raspberries (dark berries), red wine (has polyphenols and reservatol), rosemary, pumpkin seeds (has zinc), hemp or chia seeds (has omega 3), sprouts, radish, carrots, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, green tea (has ecgc, quercetin, polyphenols), and tomatoes (has lycopene).

A successful common natural cancer treatment worldwide is the budwig diet (Johanna Budwig was a seven time nobel prize nominee) which uses flaxseed oil, cottage cheese, and whole flaxseeds .

Hemp oil works and is available at clinics in states where it is legal.

2. Limit carbohydrates like grains (and grain-fed meat), starchy foods, all sweeteners like sugar, fruit juices, high fructose (fruit sugar) fruits, legumes, soy, and all processed foods. These foods acidify the body (ph<7) so viruses & fungus (cancer) thrive, and the immune system is weakened.

Unhealthy carbs break down in the body into glucose which is food for cancer cells so it's difficult to heal. The ketogenic diet (high healthy fats, moderate protein, low carbs) limits glucose by using fat for energy and is effective for cancer treatment and prevention.

Limit high fructose/sugar fruits while healing. Eat plenty of low fructose fruits.

Limit meat because it is acidic and needs a long time to be digested (and thus most of the body's energy will be used for digesting rather than healing). Eat grass-fed, organic, free range meat and dairy products (raw) only.

Avoid processed foods because they have little nutrition and are high in sugar, unhealthy fats (transfats), GMOs, additives, and preservatives .

Learn about Diet-Essential Nutrition

3. Detox (cleansing):

To remove toxins that have accumulated in the body.

Both the colon and the liver must be detoxed. Perform a colon and liver cleanse . Or perform a full-body cleanse if necessary. Or do a fasting or green juicing for two weeks.

Take chlorella, a sea vegetable superfood that's very alkaline and cleansing (high in chlorophyll) to remove the toxins in your body. Make sure to drink lots of water to remove the toxins from the body through the urine. Chlorella is also an immune booster.
You may need to remove any toxic dental work like metal fillings (contain mercury) by visiting a holistic dentist, and make sure you detox during and after this procedure.

Learn about Detoxing and Juicing.

4. Have faith/hope/purpose:

Believe wholeheartedly you will survive.

Have a sense of purpose and activate it in your daily life.

Focus on your own needs and wishes instead of others.

Imagine/visualize daily what you want in the future or the outcome of your desire (we create our reality). Use as many of your five senses as you can including emotions (a few minutes a day for a few weeks).

The mind is the most powerful healer (PNI or psychoneuroimmunology).

5. Keep stress low and stay positive:

Mental and emotional stress acidify the body and weaken the immune system.

Fear weakens the immune system so maintain a joyful positive attitude.

Spend quality time with loved ones. End all toxic relationships.

Do fun leisurely activities and hobbies.

Be kind, forgiving, accepting, and loving towards yourself.

Reduce stress with music, art, exercise, play, sex, laughter, smiling, meditation, aromatherapy, deep breathing, hugging, massage, earthing, daydreaming, stretching, dancing, singing/chanting/humming, silence, prayer, and nature.

Do sitting meditation for few minutes daily.

Identify, resolve, and release any mental issues or negative emotions you are holding on to. Express/release negative emotions using emotional release techniques like talking with someone, writing, drawing, movement or dancing, screaming in safe place, or the emotional freedom technique (EFT). Any past repressed or recent unresolved emotional issues (shock/trauma/conflict/pain) must be identified and released.

Learn about Lifestyle

6. Sleep long/deep and get good rest:

Much healing happens in the body while we sleep (body's rest and repair time). The body produces vital immune-boosting and cancer-inhibiting melatonin during this time. Try to sleep for 8-12 hours.

7. Get minimum 30 minutes of direct sunlight outside:

Best source of essential vitamin D; otherwise supplement with Vitamin D3 (15,000mg)

Not behind glass (filters out beneficial light spectrum) and without sunscreen (blocks sunlight). Expose as much of your body as you can.

8. Take at least a 30 minute walk daily or some physical activity outdoors:

Walk briskly in a park or in nature is best. Oxygenation alkalizes the body and kills cancer cells. It also stimulates the lymphatic system which both carries nutrients/oxygen to cells and removes acidic wastes.

9. Stay well-hydrated:

Drink mineral spring water regularly. It both nourishes and detoxes. This is especially important when you are detoxing.

10. Avoid chemo drugs, radiation, and surgery if you can:

They're toxic, ineffective, and expensive.

They damage an already weak immune system and lead to secondary cancers (both chemo and radiation are carcinogenic).

Tumors initially shrink, but are followed by rapid regrowth and resistance to further treatment. Daughter cancer cells are killed, but the cancer stem cells (mother cells) are strengthened and lead to tumor regrowth.

Treatment not only kills healthy cells, but increases cancerous cells in tissues surrounding the tumor.

Surgery can break open the tumor and spread cancer cells throughout the body.

Quality of life is affected negatively and cognitive function is impaired. Treatment survivors experience "chemobrain" where they have difficulty functioning, remembering, and concentrating.

Untreated individuals live longer than treated individuals. Remissions are common.

Cancer is not genetic but epigenetic (linked to the activation/expression of genes as a result of our diet and lifestyle).

Conventional diagnostic screenings like mammograms are toxic (ionizing radiation is carcinogenic) and often lead to over-diagnosis and unnecessary toxic treatments for harmless lesions/lumps/tumors that will go away on their own (for example, dual carcinoma in situ DCIS). The risks far outweigh the benefits. Thermography (thermal imaging) is a safe, accurate alternative test for early detection of inflammation and many diseases like breast cancer. It can identify pre-cancerous changes 5-10 years before detection of a lump, and thus lifestyle and dietary changes can be implemented immediately. Also, the AMAS cancer test is safe, inexpensive, and accurate. You can order a test kit here.

Watch this documentary about the true history of cancer's conventional treatments.

Otherwise, following this protocol in conjunction with the conventional treatment (as a supplemental treatment) will greatly improve the outcome and minimize the treatment's side effects.

Depending on how closely you follow this protocol, a huge improvement or recovery is possible in a few weeks or months because the body is programmed to quickly heal itself once it's cleansed, nourished, and with a positive mindset.

LEARN MORE about the latest research on natural cures, testimonials of people who cured their cancer naturally, and a powerful 10-step healing protocol at:

NaturalHolisticWay dotcom /Cancer

Best wishes to everyone.


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