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Help again..
TrishP333 Views: 2,194
Published: 9 y

Help again..

The first thing that I ever felt with this was like something flew into my mouth, like a stone or a bug or something when I took a sharp breath. That night it felt like something slimy and gross like a spider or snail was crawling up my throat, and gagging me. I drank boiling hot tea cuz I was so scared. It popped whatever it was and this yellow goo crap came out of my mouth.
From that point on I was convinced that I had worms. I saw things. It was terrible. Second major thing that happened was some invisible ( yet could see what was happening on the outside ) of my neck wire thing came up and started strangling my neck. My best friend and one of our roommates saw it happening too. I was never so scared at that point.
They like to work in the dark for some reason.
So I always have had a light on after that.
I have two patches of skin that are circular inside my mouth. thats where it popped from and since then they have been moving farther and farther up to my cheekbones instead of down by my jaw where it started
If I didnt know better, Id say this thing is eating my brain. It went in right by the opening to my ears, and made a..Well Idk, but it hurt like no other, when it was on the bone. If I didnt know better Id say Im all twisted up. My bones, muscles, joints.
Twisted as in AROUND.
My septum has been deviated because of this to the point that it looks like I have a broken nose.
I havent told most people this, but..I know Im not breathing down the right tubing in my body. A few months ago, I gagged myself to the point that I pushed back/down the candle wick like things in my throat and for the first time in ages, I was able to breathe correctly. It was a beautiful day. Not anymore.
its like they are able to fool you into thinking what you are looking at is where its supposed to be. its not.
honestly im not sure anymore if i have a lot of time left in this world.
its up too far.
maybe i cant die the regular way but thats not the point. i dont know anymore, i am confused. all that i know is that Jesus is Lord. And that I know what I have felt and seen.
Okay well I was asked to make this post. Hi everyone. I really am scared to do this but I hope that maybe someone else has the same symptoms or part of them. I will just post what I post and I hope that you can follow along. I know that I am dying. Any second really but if I can help at least one person to know that they are not alone then it was worth it. Keep the faith. Jesus is real. Much more powerful then these things. Also my best friend and fiancee have lived together 2 years and I have no idea where she is but we both have been suffering from this. I am scared but I am tired of being silent. IT IS ALL ABOUT CHOICES. These are just a part of my symptoms.
I had graves disease and had to have my thyroid removed. Tenderness around throat? How can I make anyone understand......My throat has been THINNED. like.......cut. frankly. I have caught doctors hiding things from us and lying to my face. They are told not to treat us.
if i reach down there i feel something like a flap that spans the width of what is left of my throat. ther e is no hole in the back of my throat anymore, only a wall.
when I swallow, i feel it in the back of my head. for years i had the feeling of being pricked like with needles. they said i had fibromyalgia.
felt like spider webs all over my face, nothing there. hearing weird noises in my ears, nothing there. i felt muscles being cut. but when they latchied onto my shoulder or collar bones, i screamed. literally. i am nothing more then a lab rat now. society deems me worthless, so is that not how we get treated? you would never imagine what has happened to me and my girl in the past 2 years and in the past 6 months? bizarre things. I think im focusing on the wrong things.
Im also a Christian if you cared to know.
i felt them come into my jaw and spine. i feel them constantly. trying to raise my eyebrows even feel them in my forehead. you can see a brown line about an inch wide is how it started on my forehead when it first went up there. now my whole forehead has been taken over. my face. my actual eyeballs are loose. i can feel little things dart up my spine and into my head. frankly, this thing has moved upand up and up, and it doesnt even where you see the back of my head its not where it should be. they create some thick layers of skin.
i probably sound nuts. but its true.
THOSE LOOK LIKE THE BEADS THAT I FEEL. LIKE WITH YOUR FINGERS you can feel these ball/beadlike things in my body, around my arms. in my sides, EVERYWHERE.
they feel like little balls or beads to the touch.
or maybe thats not what that is. but it startled me.
no doctors will help me. i had one ask me if i swallowed METAL. like rods of it cuz there was so much metal in my midsection. which is now hard up thru my chest like a bone or metal.
i have a thick layers of skin around my neck like a collar. its how it moved up. felt like things exploding in my stomach, felt like hot acid boiling every night. then id feel even the seat through my back in the car. felt like hairs all down my back. thing is i chopped my hair off when i got sickest. thankfully now its starting to grow back. but long hair......yeah.
I have not even started on how they bored thru my throat they are thick and wide and painful and i can reach into my mouth and feel them with my own fingers. This is madness. and yet we have pictures and videos of it as it progressed. we caught these terrible monsters or wires or whatever on video. in my mouth. its terrible.
Frankly this has moved up and up and up like fingers and metal and ball/beadlike things and I cant take it anymore. the part that makes it worse is that i can still walk and run but from the neck up am a monster from these things, tho they ARE all OVER my body. I need help like no other. I feel like I am being turned into a metal monster. I am so scared.

My throat is destroyed. I can put my finger down there and that flap that was small a year ago is huge and spans the width of my throat. The holes under my tongue are full of these thick wide monsters now. If I touch it it moves back.

If I dont find some help. I will die.


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