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Any of you have the time, skills, knowledge or inclination to help me out here?
loquat1 Views: 1,926
Published: 9 y

Any of you have the time, skills, knowledge or inclination to help me out here?

I am currently engaged in a 'lively' debate on a site that would dismiss everything here as 'woo'. The subject is a story about a young lady who went 'alternative,' and whose cancer has now relapsed. The chemo brigade, of course, are having a field day at our expense, so I thought it only fair to redress the balance a little and voice our side of the argument. As expected, I was met with almost universal derision - and abuse from a few of them.

I have kept my cool most of the time, generally used humor to deflect the abuse, but probably got close to the knuckle a couple of times myself - possibly frustration getting the better of me, which I very much regret. Anyroad, I'm fairly heavily outnumbered on this site, & feeling slightly besieged at the moment. Finding the time to answer all the objections, points raised, etc., is quite a tall order for one person against, say, around a dozen or so, maybe more.

So I wondered if any of you more knowledgeable boarders here (InCharge perhaps? Tony Isaacs?) might be able to help lighten my load by joining me in the debate, responding to some of the points raised, etc? Please express your interest here, and if I get at least one positive response, I'll post site details in reply. Sorry #461, you need not apply. Much as I love you, your presence on that site would mean instant dismissal of any fair hearing. I'm sure you'll understand.



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