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Sudden onset of right ankle swelling
surfmonk Views: 1,834
Published: 9 y

Sudden onset of right ankle swelling

Hey everyone

I would love your input on this thing that happened to my partner last week. We're trying to make sense of it as the doc has no clue what it could be. I hope it belongs into this forum.

So a week ago my partner's right ankle suddenly started to hurt and as the pain progressed so did the swelling. It was swollen on the outer side of the ankle first (around the bone) and then the innner side swell up a bit as well around the bone. The next day the main vain on the back of his leg was quite protruded as well and the swelling was warm and got a bit bigger (but not top on of the foot). There was some diffused redness but not much.

On the third day he went to the doctor and they ran some blood tests. They excluded infection or bite but his CRP was elevated so they concluded it was some sort of inflammation. They checked for ANA antibodies which were negative and he had elevated GGL and ALS liver enzymes - that was attributed to painkillers he'd been taking priod to the visit.

He is 37, fit, a builder and has never had any other health problems. This wasn't due to injury (or old injury or anything) so we're really stumped. The doctor has no idea what it coule be, he only said there is this rare autoimmune disease that affects the ankles/wrists and that it could be it but was not sure.

Any idea of what this could be? It is still swollen a bit on the outside of the ankle - kind of on top of it. When asked what the pain felt like his words were: it feels toxic :) Not much help there.

Any ideas would be much appreciated


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