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Cured from Propecia side effects
saywhatwhat Views: 23,320
Published: 10 y

Cured from Propecia side effects

This website is insane for me to navigate so I hope this post actually appears.

I'm writing this because I was one of the several people who experienced dramatically compromising side effects after taking finasteride in the form of Propecia. Said side effects included an essential collapse of my sexual system (no libido, impotence), brain fog, anxiety issues, depression, 'emotional blunting,' and fatigue.

It took me 11 years and several doctors, but I finally got a diagnosis and--lo and behold--I'm cured. I'm cured!

It turns out I had a parasitic protozoa called e. histolytica. It's been mentioned on this website before and it seems exceedingly common globally. An estimated 10% of the population has it, but apparently it's asymptomatic in most people.

I welcome responses to this message and will be happy to answer questions. Here are answers to questions I can think of:

1. I was diagnosed by an actual doctor.

2. I did eventually come to suspect I had a parasite. The suspicion only aroused once I tried an elimination diet. Wheat was fine, dairy was fine, eggs were fine, but Sugar (sucrose) triggered my symptoms to a terrible degree. The Sugar connection is what eventually led me to question parasites.

3. I did try a few at-home remedies, and some of them were genuinely effective in abating symptoms but none of them cured the infection. It must be treated with Antibiotics .

4. Alternative treatments that offered release were avoiding sugar, Humaworm, and ParaGone. I'd personally recommend ParaGone over Humaworm, but I think they're both effective.

5. I also experienced relief from Lactoferrin (Jarrow's brand), and found they made the other treatments (including Antibiotics ) much more effective.

6. The Antibiotics that cured me were metronidazole (500mg 3x a day for 10 days) and paromomycin (1,000mg 3x a day for 5 days). Relief came pretty quickly--I felt 90% on top of the world by day three.

7. I have no idea where I caught e. histolytica. I assume it was in my body for a while, and then the Propecia made it rage out of control. I wish I had caught this 11 years sooner, but I'm just glad to have it done with.

If you or anyone you know is having problems with Propecia, please see a doctor about e. histolytica! I had a stool test come back negative initially, but it showed up on a retest. I'd recommend finding an infectious/tropical disease specialist in your area, or a gastroenterologist familiar with e.h.

Again, I'll try and respond to any replies to this. I wish everyone the best of luck, and I really hope this works for all fellow Propecia sufferers, as I finally feel like I have my life back now.


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