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How I Cured My Prostate Cancer

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billabongsan2 Views: 11,313
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How I Cured My Prostate Cancer

How My Prostate Cancer was

I was clinically diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in early Sept, 2013 by a family doctor in Eldorado Hills, CA, after he did a DRE (digital rectal exam) and found two lumps on the prostate. He then suggested that I go to a local urologist to have a biopsy. I then asked him, what else did he think the urologist would do if I decide to get a biopsy and it tests positive for cancer? He told me that he most likely would surgically remove the lumps and hit it with radiation just to make sure he got it all. Like most people, I had heard all the horror stories of people that went the conventional route with surgery, chemo and radiation. It seemed like surgery hardly ever got all the cancer. Chemo and radiation, with all their side-effects of nausea and hair loss and making you feel miserable all the time, have a dismal track record of being successful in curing cancer. They also poison our good healthy cells and our immune system because they are are so toxic and can even cause cancer themselves! Well, all of this didn't sound too good to me, so I decided not to keep my appointment with the urologist. Instead, I started researching and at first I was getting very discouraged from reading so many books and articles by mainstream doctors and cancer clinics which tell people in my position that you have to get biopsies, surgery, radiation and chemo immediately if you want to survive, and if you hesitate, you die a horrible death and so forth. They try to scare you into doing it. Furthermore, these conventional treatments do not have a very good track record when you really start examining the statistics closely.

I knew in my heart that something was wrong here, so I then started studying reports and books on natural and alternative solutions that were non-toxic, with the only side effects being much better health. I found an amazing amount of literature on very effective alternative, non-toxic, natural cures dating back more than a century that were very effective. These cures, or ways to to eliminate cancer, and other serious diseases were discovered by many very intelligent, highly educated and highly respected researchers, scientists, chemists, doctors, and Nobel Prize winners. New ways to safely and naturally kill cancer and cure serious diseases are still being discovered today as well. These techniques were being used and were very successful back then and have continued to be successful. The FDA, AMA, Big Pharma, their lobbyists (which outnumber congressman 2-1 these days) and the rest of the mainstream medical industry started suppressing these effective, non-toxic treatments right after World War I when so many new drugs had been formulated by the German and American scientists. Drugs, because they are chemically made, were able to be patented. Natural substances and formulations that turned out to be even more effective than drugs in almost all cases, could not and still cannot be patented, and cannot make anybody rich. It's not worth Big Pharma's time to check out any of the natural and alternative cures because it costs almost a billion dollars these days to get any new drug patented and approved by the FDA, and even if they did get a natural formula approved they would not make any money on it since anyone can make it and sell it. The pharmaceutical companies jumped on the idea of keeping their patented drugs known as the only cure for cancer (and other serious diseases) and to keep the public ignorant of all other alternative means to heal disease. They knew clear back then that this method would make them a lot of money. The idea that if the whole mainstream medical industry, including the FDA and the AMA, all worked together to make sure that people only knew about mainstream's methods and cures and the public was not told about any alternative natural cures, then there would be big profits to be made. Never mind the untold suffering of millions. Doctors that were using natural, effective, non-invasive cures were suppressed, ridiculed, arrested, and murdered. Much of their equipment and their research was destroyed as well. And still today, a hundred years later, the same thing is going on, as cancer and heart diseases and many other serious diseases rage out of control due to our rampantly toxic world and many other factors of our modern society. Thank God for instant communication, the Internet, social media and that we still have freedom of the press (somewhat). Don't trust the main network news channels though!

Anyway, back to my story. After learning all of the above, I had made up my mind to start pursuing an alternative cure to my prostate cancer. I learned of one cancer protocol called XL Immune, which consists of the powdered pine needles of the Pacific Yew Tree, and started taking it every day. I also remembered a very good Holistic, Homeopathic M.D. that I had seen years ago for various ailments and that he had been very good. I made an appointment and saw him on October 28, 2013. He did another DRE on me and also found the two lumps in my prostate and concurred with the first doctor that it was practically a sure bet that I had prostate cancer. Those particular kind of lumps are just never benign. He took blood tests for all the usual cancer markers and to determine my total PSA and free PSA. He also took urine for a brand new prostate cancer test called the PCA3 test, which is a very accurate test which takes the place of the biopsy the first doctor wanted me to have (I didn't want any needles going into my prostate and possibly spreading the cancer - my new doctor agreed). In addition, he set me up for a Prostate Ultrasound, another new test that is very helpful in determining cancer. He immediately started me on traditional proven alternative cancer treatments including 60 capsules of Pancreatic Enzymes daily, bi-weekly Vitamin C IV drips, weekly anti-viral and anti-bacterial shots, weekly injections of B-12, DHEA, Folic Acid, and Adrenal Factors. He also checked my thyroid and started me on Nature-Thyroid tablets. In addition, he put me on some bio-identical hormones to balance my hormones and revitalize my adrenal glands, such as progesterone and testosterone, and other various supplements . He advised me to stop eating all mammalian meat and Sugar and to quit drinking alcohol or at least keep it to a minimum. The tests came back in just a few days and here were my numbers as of Nov 2, 2013: Total PSA was 2.7; free PSA was 15% (not good); Other blood test cancer markers were indicating cancer; PCA3 test was a score of 32 (the reference range is as follows - under 25 means negative for cancer and over 25 means positive for cancer); the Prostate Ultrasound showed two lumps on my prostate, suspicious for cancer. After reviewing the tests, my doctor diagnosed me as having prostate cancer.

He then referred me to an alternative clinic that we would work with while continuing all his own treatments as well. This is a treatment protocol that has programs that will treat you at home while you are being closely monitored by the BX Protocol doctors and your local doctor as you choose. You also may choose to go to one of their actual clinics. The name is BX Protocol, The Delta Institute - It is considered by many to be one of the most effective alternative treatments available. BX Antitoxin is a serum made up of 5 nutraceuticals that work together to cause the cancer cells to go into apoptosis (kill themselves). I was also counseled to go on a vegan diet, high in good fats, no animal products at all, no dairy, no alcohol, no spices, no caffeine, drinking lots of distilled water only and other restrictions. BX insists on cleaning out one's colon and digestive tract and using various oxygen protocols such as breathing through oxygen generators, drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide, drinking ozonated water, using ozonated oils, using hyperbaric chambers if available. They also restrict certain supplements and encourage other supplements and superfoods. My first injection of BX Antitoxin was on Dec 3rd, 2013. I had 5 injections total during the month of December, once a week. To make a long story short, on Jan 23, 2014, I had had another set of tests just like the first tests detailed above. My new numbers were as follows: Total PSA was down to 1.3 (good score); free PSA was at 26% implying negative for cancer; other various blood test markers were pointing to no cancer; PCA3 score was down to 9 (negative for cancer because under 25 means negative); the new Prostate Ultrasound showed one lump had completely disappeared, which only leaves one more now benign lump left, which I expect to be gone in the next few months. In short, since beginning treatments with my doctor overall on October 28, 2013 and starting the BX injections on December 3rd, 2013, I was declared cancer-free by my doctor on Jan 23, 2014 - in less than 3 months! One thing I mention here is that if you are considering using a an alternative non-toxic natural treatment for cancer, it's probably not a good idea to discuss with your regular doctor if he or she is a mainstream conventional doctor (unless he or she is very open-minded) because they most certainly will poo-poo the idea and tell you that it won't work and that it's "quackery", etc, although nothing could be further from the truth. This type of attitude can really discourage a person who is trying to seek alternative methods to heal their cancer. If you decide you want a doctor to guide you through one or more alternative cancer cures make sure you find an M.D. that specializes in Holistic, Natural, or Homeopathic healing. These types of doctors will be open and supportive of natural effective alternative cancer cures. They can also monitor your progress with various cancer tests as you're going through the healing process Also alternative holistic doctors have a lot more in-depth tests that address many other health conditions you may have that regular doctors do not use.

As a caveat I should mention that while doing all of the treatments mentioned above I had virtually no negative side effects. The only side effect from from making the above positive lifestyle changes was that now I feel better than ever. During all of this research I have learned of countless new ways to improve my health and well-being. It's as though the cancer were a blessing in disguise. I discovered a lot of other effective healing protocols for diseases as well while doing this research. For really in-depth and current information on great alternative healing methods that work, I encourage you to read Tanya Harter Pierce's book "Outsmart Your Cancer", available at This book has over 20 non-toxic, very inexpensive natural treatments for all cancers that work very well with almost zero side effects. Two are them are especially potent - "Protocel" and "Cesium High PH Therapy". Be sure to read the chapters detailing these methods. This book will change your life and how you view cancer in a good way! The book really explains how conventional medicine has been pulling the wool over our eyes for over a hundred years. It also gets into how so many dangerous toxins from modern living are making their way into our bodies and wreaking havoc and are at the root cause of cancer.



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