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Chinese scientists discover anti-age solution
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Chinese scientists discover anti-age solution

Scientific Miracle of the Holy Quran

Dr. Taha Ibrahim Khalifa, former dean and Professor of medicinal plants and drugs at Al-Azhar University and tells the following article about a Quran miracle.

Metallothionein (MT) : A material which is produced by humans and animals brains in small quantities. This material is a protein that contains Sulfur which can easily bind with zinc, iron and phosphorus. This substance is considered very vital to the human body in the sense of reducing cholesterol, performing metabolism, strengthening the heart, and controlling breath.

MT production increases gradually between the ages of 15 to 35 years. Then, the production level decrease till it stops at the age of sixty. That is why it was not easy to obtain MT from humans. Also, small amount of MT was found in animals.

Therefore, scientists kept searching for MT in plants. A team of Japanese scientists searched for this magical substance that works as a removal of the symptoms of aging. The team found subject substance only in two types of plants; fig and olive.

The sincerity of Allah Almighty says in his holy book:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

“By the Fig and the Olive, And the Mount of Sinai, And this City of security,- We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- ” (Surah Al Tin 95:1-5)

Let’s just think for a moment in the oath of God Almighty in fig and olive. Then, let’s try to link it directly to the creation of human beings in the best manner and then abasing them to the lowest of the low.

After MT was deduce from figs and olives, scientists found that the use of MT from fig or olive alone did not give the expected benefit for the human health. The benefits were only seen when MT that is extracted from fig was mixed with MT that is extracted from olive. After noticing that, the Japanese team tried to find the best mix ratio between fig and olive that provides the best influence.

The best mix ratio was found to be 1 fig to 7 olives!

Dr. Taha Ibrahim Khalifa has searched the Holy Quran and found that fig was mentioned once while olive was mentioned six times explicitly and one time implicitly in Al Mu’minun chapter:

“Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and relish for those who use it for food.” (Surah Al Mu’minun 23:20)

Dr. Taha has sent all the information that he gathered from the Holy Quran to the Japanese research team. After verifying that the discovered information were mentioned in the Holy Quran 1427 years ago, the President of the Japanese research team DE CLAREd his Islam and the research team surrendered the patent to Dr. Taha Ibrahim Khalifa.

“It is He who sends down rain from the sky: from it ye drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation on which ye feed your cattle. With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a sign for those who give thought.” (Surah Al Nahl 16:10-11)

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