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HUGE, HUGE patch of ringworm: cured with garlic.
lovelyaly Views: 20,368
Published: 12 y

HUGE, HUGE patch of ringworm: cured with garlic.

I'm writing this up to hopefully help someone that might be in the same condition that I was.

More than a year ago I noticed a small semi circular rash on the back of my left thigh. It never bothered me nor did it grow, in fact, through the winter months it nearly vanished completely so I never thought that it was anything I should be particularly worried about. This Summer (2013) it started to grow and was becoming unsightly when I wore shorts and dresses. Still though, it didn't bother me in any other way than of appearance. It literally never itched. Because it was growing though I started putting hydrocortisone cream on multiple times a day and it quickly started to go away. After several days though I remember waking up to a horrible itch on the back of my leg from my little rash. The itch was awful and so I scratched it and scratched it and scratched it and then it was fine. Two days later, however, that little rash had become several red patches. Two days later they had spread to one large red oval shaped patch 6 inches wide by 8 or 9 inches long. It covered the entire back of my thigh. It was inflamed, it was hot and it itched like hell.

After some research I realized it was ringworm. More researched led me to decided that I'd rather treat this thing naturally (and quickly) rather than dealing with prescription creams that may or may not work. Originally, I tried tee tree oil. I applied it for days and saw no immediate improvement which I was NOT okay with because the thing was growing. By the end of the first week it had spread to cover the entire back of my leg and up the left side of my back. Not cool.

I had read in my early research that peopled had used garlic to successfully and quickly treat ringworm. Desperate: I did the following. I crushed an entire bulb of garlic into to tiny pieces (I learned that the smaller they are, the better) and put it in a jar. I then mixed in garlic powder for extra potency. I slathered the mixture on and around the rash. I then wrapped myself with saran wrap from my ankle up over my stomach to just beneath my breasts to cover the entire rash. I then sat in excruciating pain,,,because it burns like hell. Only for about 30 minutes or so. And then it's done. And when it was done, I did it again. I did it 4 or 5 times that day in a row.

Now before you do this please be prepared to be in a lot of pain for two days: the first day while you're wrapped in saran wrap while burning yourself with garlic and the second day while those burns progress and itch and hurt like hell. By some burn relief gel, preferably with tee tree oil, and cover yourself in it as often as needed. By day three you'll be minimally itchy BUT only from the garlic burns and blisters that are already starting to heal. Your ringworm is dead. Over the next several days your skin with die and start to peel off, much like a sun burn, and will reveal brand new skin free of the fungus.

Good luck and I hope this can help someone.


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