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insomnia with DMSA?
mercuryman28 Views: 7,307
Published: 14 y

insomnia with DMSA?

(Please note, I am new here and I'm afraid I may have posted this message in the wrong category. I meant to post it in "chelation support")


Google frequently finds posts for me in this forum and now I'm posting for the first time.

I am 28 years old and have been feeling out of sorts since about age 20.

At age 20, I began to suffer from daytime sleepiness, which was swifty followed by a severe bout of clinical Depression that did not respond to medication.

My mind seems to have been descending in to a thick brain fog and I seem to have lost my ability to enjoy doing the things I used to enjoy. However, I still do the things I used to enjoy, because if I didn't, I would just sit around.

I saw several doctors, but nothing seemed to help much. Finally, I wrote to Dr. Smith (whom I had heard good things about on the internet). Dr. Smith kindly made some suggestions to me as to what could be the problem. (Dr. Smith) is a pseudonym.

About a year ago, I started the Buhner Lyme protocol. I made about a 30% improvement in my symptoms. I feel good about this because it's the only thing that seems to have helped at all so far. I had a CD57 in the 30s when I started and not I'm looking to have the test drawn again.

Last month, I saw a new doctor who put me on DMSA chelation. Dr Smith suggested that I might benefit from EDTA, but since I corresponded with him long-distance, there was no way for him to prescribe it. My new doctor ordered the (controversial) Doctor's Data provoked urine toxic metals test, which came back elevated for mercury and lead (though not nearly as elevated as some of his other patient, he said). The doctor said that DMSA chelation would be appropriate for me, and he sent me on my way with instructions to take 700 mg Captomer three times per day for three days, and then take supporting "dietary supplements" for eleven days before taking the Captomer again.

The Captomer made me feel worse. For the first few weeks, I actually felt worse than before starting treatment. I called my physicians office and the RN there told me that this is normal.

Lately, I've been suffering from insomnia and I've gained a little weight. The odd thing is that I will wake up several hours before my normal time and feel as if I'm hungry and can't sleep.

I've also noticed that the texture of my hair seems to have changed lately. It feels a little bit "sticky" for lack of a better word.

I have been on this protocol for about a month now and I will soon be taking the Captomer for the third time.

Can anyone here give me any advice or pointers about what's going on?


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