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Mirena vision and headache side affects
celticgo Views: 5,435
Published: 14 y

Mirena vision and headache side affects

Im really freaking out here. I have a history of PTC/BIH. I was on birth control when i was 25, and for lack of a better term "contracted" pseudo tumor. Lost most of my peripheral vision. Many spinal taps later and some diamox, I actually went for 5-6 years on no drugs whatsoever "asymptomatic" visually, still have migraines, but stable vision.

Had the copper IUD, no problems. Had that for about 9 years. Got the Mirena inserted after my Gyno SWORE up and down that he had done research and found nothing that indicated that the Mirena would affect my symptoms (PTC). Well here I am six months later, my FRONTAL vision keeps 'whiting out', I am dizzy and seem to be having weird tingling, and ringing in my ears. the first month, this was happening, I went to my neuro-optho and he found nothing (went there twice), went to a retinal specialist, and aside from damaged optic nerve from the first incidence, I was fine. Fast forward to the six month mark. I had my mirena taken out last week, tuesday. Now I am not sure what to do. Should I wait another week and see if I get better? Should I just go to the ER and get a spinal tap? Im scared, I dont have a current nuero. any suggestions? Any personal experiences?


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