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Reincarnation: Every Man Must Die
krsnafood Views: 3,554
Published: 15 y

Reincarnation: Every Man Must Die

The following comment was left to this video:
@SIGN666:"When 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was murdered by Greek police in 2008, the people wasted no time in taking to the streets and fought running battle with police with molotov cocktails and stormed banks that are the culprit for the current financial crisis but you won't teach the community that. You'll just preach Christian ideology to try and damp down people's rage which just so happens to be the case every time people find the courage to vent out on the system. Religion is control!"

The Christians think they are Christian, the black man thinks he is black, the white man thinks he is white, the Jew thinks he's Jewish, the American thinks he's American, the Greek Man thinks he's Greek. But this is the biggest fraud in the entire history of human civilization. If man learned this simple fact that these designations of religion, country, occupation, sex are false designations and that MAN IS THE SPIRIT that runs the body, like a driver in a car runs the car that he is in, then all of man's problems would be solved. Because the entire New World Order is now running on this idea that citizens MUST identify with their body. The cheating Governments of the world depend on this principle in order to exploit the people, and the reason they are exploiting the people is because of this ONE FALSE PRINCIPLE: I AM THIS BODY. The cheating Government leaders think that they are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Rich, Democrat, Communist, Republican, White, Black, Asian, Man, Woman, Gay, Straight, Powerful – but they are not. They are not their bodies; they are the spirit that runs their bodies.

The undeniable truth stares them in the face: THEY MUST FACE DEATH. Everyone in this civilization must face death. But for one who knows that HE IS NOT HIS BODY, then he knows that death is simply a change of dress and that he must be born again and again and again. After death than again he must be born in a new body. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya...: "Just as a man changes his garments and throws away the old and useless ones, similarly at death the soul takes a new body and gives up the old and useless ones." This cycle is calledsamsara, or repeated birth and death. Every man and woman, whether rich or poor, Republican, Communist or Democrat, Asian, or American, Black or French, he must face four things: BIRTH, DISEASE, OLD AGE AND DEATH. These are four indisputable facts. No man in the history of the world has ever avoided these four things. Every man must have been born, every man must get diseased, every man must grow old and EVERY MAN MUST DIE.


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