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Re: Which brand and form of B 12 should I use?
Iolite Views: 4,421
Published: 15 y
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Re: Which brand and form of B 12 should I use?

No, I had very positive results with b-12. However, when my blood levels got to the 800 range, I did experience the "wired and tired" feeling. I just backed off and stopped. Big mistake as my b-12 levels are down again. I'm still dealing with adrenal fatigue and some of your symptoms might be that too. Have you had your ferritin levels tested too? Ideal range should be above 50, for optimal thyroid med utilization by the thyroid best range is between 70-90.

Have you tried hawthorn and magnesium for your adrenal fatigue symptom of heart pounding? I've found it very helpful. I used to get poundings just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom at night or climbing the stairs to lay down for a nap. Taking the hawthorn helped that. Taking it regularly has helped to keep the heart poundings away.

When I first started down this road, it had been after a year without any rx thyroid meds. I'd had a horrible reaction to synthroid/armour combo and it took 4 months just for those symptoms to go away. Then I decided to just self-treat with only otc glandulars and iodoral. I did pretty good for about a year then I started experiencing AWFUL insomnia again (waking EVERY hour). I stumbled across Janie Bowthorpe's site:

I quickly joined her yahoo group:
was told that my insomnia was likely due to adrenal fatigue. I finally found a great doc and got all the lab work Janie recommends. I was low on b12 and ferritin and quite deficient in my D levels. I took a 24hr saliva cortisol test and found that I had high cortisol 24-7. I've been working on healing my adrenals and have just recently switched to Canadian Erfa Thyroid. (see
and search "thyroid"), after about 6 months on naturthroid and a 15 lb weight gain.

My adrenals are still weak and although I've got my cortisol levels lowered, I've had to add isocort during the day to support them. My sleep is slowly getting better, but it's still not great.

I'm currently taking 4 grains of Erfa vs 2 3/4 grains of nature-throid and I seem to be tolerating it well. So far, I don't have any of the tell-tell symptoms (for me) that I'm on too much: heat flashes, heart palps and worsening of insomnia. I need to get some blood work done soon to see what my frees are.



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