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Pancreatitis 101
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Pancreatitis 101

Well it isn't new I posted that in this forum a long time ago but certain it got buried...

Anyhow Pancreatitis 101:
- from HC we know Gold builds up in the pancreas
- we know that Eurytrema requires this Gold in the pancreas for its life cycle.
- since I can't find any eggs and am told no code is needed for eggs I can only imagine that this is needed to bypass the egg state and begin the life cycle with Cercariae instead
- at least two more flukes can be found in the pancreas, Echinoporyphium recurvatum and F.Buski
- one run of the Fluke scriipt should let you know if you have Echinoporyphium recurvatum, if they don't make it to the pancreas they end up in the sigmoid colon and usually force a trip to the potty moments after running the script.
- if F.Buski made it there then things get serious because the OPT and HCG it creates can start Tumors

- from there the hatchlings and or dead fluke bodies begin to plug the outlets
- if this get bad enough you stop sending enzymes into the body and the enzymes you do create begin to digest away your pancreas
- In short you want to blow those outlets open often until the bodies are gone
- I will update that Pancreatic Fluke scriipt soon but until I do best to run it followed by the code below twice a day.
- You can run the CAFL part in the pancreatitis scriipt as needed…
- BTW: Love the Medico Mafia notes on pancreatitis being hereditary…LOL

label 1

label Cercariae # Apparently both Eggs and Metacercariae need an intermediate host
pulse 3.33 66.6
dwell 360
556677.7777 # Cercariae of Pancreatic Fluke (Eurytrema)
575767.5767 # Cercariae of Echinoporyphium recurvatum

label 2

label Eggs # E.recurvatum can have viable eggs in the pancreas without needing an inermediate host
pulse 3.33 66.6
dwell 300

label Blockage # Pancreatic outlets blockage, due to dead fluke bodies
pulse 6.66 66.6
dwell 1080
209241.6306 # Octaves from (6537.1665)



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