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Re: Uterine Fibroids
sullykip Views: 24,087
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Re: Uterine Fibroids

Hi Niecy 34, and Jkin,

It's been a long time since your posts. Did you have success getting rid of your fibroids?

I agree with the others who responded that cutting red meat out of the diet, along with caffeine, all non-organic food, alcohol, processed foods, white flours, breads and crackers etc, will go a long way. And getting a diet full of fresh vegetables, fresh green juices, nuts & seeds, wild-caught fish, fresh fruit etc will provide a strong base.

From what I've read fibroids are a symptom of two things: estrogen dominance, and Iodine insufficiency. The Iodine deficiency weakens the body, which can then not fight off the toxins & xenoestrogens as it would if it had enough Iodine to keep the thyroid working effectively.

So one wants to cut out all xenoestrogens, to the extent that one can: meaning, no non-organic meat or dairy; no cleaning products, personal products, or cosmetics with the words "paraben," "methyl," "butyl," etc; no prescription drugs with xenoestrogens such as the birth control pill, no spermicides.

This is not as hard as it sounds. There are toxin-free products that are actually not expensive if one looks around. Dr. Bronner's magic (organic) soap is cheap on Amazon and can be used for shampoo, dishes, bodywash, even as shave gel.
make great soap nuts that can be used as laundry detergent, and they also make great moisturizers; etc.

One also wants to cut out the toxins that deplete the body's iodine. These are the halides. There are 4 halides: iodine, chloride, fluoride, and bromide. We need iodine, and we need trace amounts of chloride (from salt) but otherwise these are toxins. When we shower we absorb chlorine from showering in chlorinated water; when we drink water we consume the fluoride that most American cities add to public water sources; when we eat white flour-based products, pesticide-sprayed vegetables or non-organic meat we consume bromide. Fluoride is also in antidepressants, commerical cereals, commercial juices, soda, fluoridated toothpaste etc. All these three things--fluoride, bromide, and chlorine--deplete iodine from the body. They push iodine off its receptor site, where it needs to be for the thyroid to work, and they sit there in its place. This does not show up on T3 and T4 tests. So your thyroid could be covered with bromide, and appear to doctors to be "working fine," but not actually getting any iodine and so doing none of its jobs in your body. The result will be severe iodine deficiency (and most of America is deficient for this reason). You can test for iodine deficiency, and to see of your thyroid is covered in bromide, at
. There are also other labs that do it.

The solution is to get a shower filter that filters out Vitamin C; a water filter that filters out fluoride; and to refrain from eating commercially packaged food-products unless they are organic.
has the VitaC shower for only $25; the "sonaki" Vitamin C shower filter (at amazon, or
is also great. For a water filter, fluoride is hard to remove; a reverse osmosis filter will remove most of it, but get one with a remineralizer because otherwise you will be drinking very acid water, which is quite bad for the health. "Tap Master" makes an RO with a remineralizer that is $370 and has a 5 yr warranty;
makes one that is the same price. I know that's an expensive purchase. "Seychelle" makes a sink-pitcher filter that claims to get out 65% of fluoride. If you live in a house you can do a rain-water barrel and ceramic filter combination. That is very eco-friendly. They have info on those at

Most of all, the solution is to give your body the iodine it needs. Lugol's works well--it is the liquid version of iodoral, potassium Iodide and iodine. Iosal iodine also works well. Many many women have made their fibroids go away completely and never return simply by supplementing with iodine. You need to start very slowly, and make sure your body gets adequate minerals as you do this. One tsp of good quality Sea Salt per day. Usually that is Celtic Sea Salt ; it must be never heated, never processed, and contain no additives. Actually any other kind of salt, the body does not know what to do with, so best to always use never-heated, bleached, or processed Celtic Sea Salt anyway. THat is a natural form your body welcomes, and can rid itself of the excess of without strain. "Real Salt" from a certain lake in Utah is also good. The chloride in the salt helps the iodine scrape the bromide off your thyroid. You should also get lots of magnesium as you supplement, either through fresh organic green drinks (with kale, spinach, dandelion greens etc) or from "Natural Calm," or from magnesium oil. One factor to consider is that the thyroid needs 80% of the body's iodine. It is greedy and will grab, before any other part of your body can get it, all iodine that enters; particularly if the body is starved for iodine. So if you have fibroids, you must not only take iodine orally (starting slow with a few drops iosol or Lugol's in water) but you must also rub some iosol iodine on your stomach, and to be most effective, many doctors (Brownstein, Myers) use a protocol of making an iodine "douche," by wetting a non-chlorinated tampon in an eighth-cup water mixed with 5-10 drops iodine. You put the "iodine suppository tampon" (or use a natural sponge) in at night, and rub a few drops iosol over the fibroids. At the same time, rub your body with magnesium oil. The magnesium (your body is probably deficient) will be absorbed quickly transdermally, and will help your body be able to use the iodine. Within 30 minutes after your first application of this combo--the iodine suppository and the magnesium oil rub--you will feel relief. You can keep up this protocol 2-3 times a week until the fibroids are gone, usually 3-6 months. It is not expensive.
and (or is it
both sell iosol iodine for reasonable prices, $12 for a one ounce bottle. There are places in Australia and Ecuador that you can buy from online that sell Lugol's cheaply. Also you can email the people at Wellness to ask questions about the protocol. They are very knowledgable and have helped many women get rid of uterine fibroids, breast fibroids, and ovarian cysts. It's like a free doctor--but a doctor who knows what they're talking about. You do have to be careful doing this protocol--once you start getting the iodine you need your body will begin to detox, to push out heavy metals it's accumulated and to push out fluoride, bromide and chlorine. So you need lots of selenium, lots of magnesium, lots of Vitamin C and B6 during this time. And you really need to start very slowly, because being so deprived, your body may be very sensitive to tiny amounts of iodine at first. Gradually you can increase amounts.
That said, it is an easy, inexpensive, and logical solution. You are fixing the problem by filling the lack that caused the problem in the first place. Your body is perfect and beautiful. It is the gosh darn toxins churned out by manufacturing and dumped into products by manufacturers that have caused your woes. Alas. And it's strange that doctors, endocrinologists don't know about just supplementing with iodine. Although I suppose that if they suggested it they would no longer have to do surgeries, embolizations, and the like. I don't like to be cynical. I think doctors work hard and try hard. But med schools are funded in some part by big pharm, and so they teach to some extent the way big pharm would like. Regardless. Maybe you encountered this stuff already in the 5 year gap here--i hope so. and if not i hope you feel well and continue to feel better.



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