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cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder),
mouse Views: 5,679
Published: 23 y

cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder),

I am writing on behalf of my Wife. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder), of Pregnancy was experienced three and a half years ago. This resulted in a C-section birth of our Daughter now 3.5 yrs old. The resulting 'medical reviews' from the various 'liver specialist' at the hospital immediately wanted to remove the gall bladder. My wife nearly did not return from the hospital as during the endososcopi? (camera down the throat thing) they happened to pierce the pancreas? No MD realised until she was in a critical state.
Point is my wife is an externally fit young lady under the age of thirty, never smoked, nor drunk alcohol (ever) She eats well and would be considered low risk. The ‘specialist Liver doctor’ simply scoffed when I spoke to him about Liver Cleansing diets. Saying he hadn’t even heard of such a thing. I simply couldn’t believe the arrogance. Sure MD’s have plenty to offer and we may have just been unlucky. But why take the risk.

Three and a half years later and we have been able to retain the gall bladder and a reasonable level of comfort through diet (lots of fresh green apple juice), It has taken some time for my wife to build the confidence to try a liver cleanse-flush. This morning the results were outstanding and I was actually shocked a little. I have ‘flushed before’ with fairly standard results. But not like this. Could someone please let me know what the results mean if anything and when should she do the next flush, and what would be the best way she could continue this diet until the next flush. Results are below.
1st Movement – white chaff – Chalky stool.
2nd movement – Some mucus-residue? 50+ pea colored stones exceeding 10mm in diameter and 50+ pea colored stones exceeding 20mm ! Thank the Lord for the Epsom Salts !
Are these exceptionally large? Is this a good result? And Where to from now.
Thanks for reading.

Ps From Mouse's Husband:Guidelines: Please, re-read your message before posting it. You cannot correct errors later!
I suggest you to write your message in text processor (software like MS Word), check spelling and grammar, and then post your message. If you encounter any problem while posting your message, (Sorry my spelling is shocking) but you guys might want to correct this one.:)
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