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DOES urine cure cystic fibrosis? or other genetic disiases?
silk2 Views: 6,569
Published: 17 y

DOES urine cure cystic fibrosis? or other genetic disiases?

I think I have cystic fibrosis. that explains all my ilnesess. Lovey was the one that thought I had it and I really recognive ALL the symptoms. Is it possible to cure it with urine? or is that no cure for genetic disiases? I need HELP and advise, My pancras and the kidneys are hurting the most and Im really scared that they soon gonna give up on me. I have some nerve damages on my stomick and lack of feeling on that area. Have anybody got cured from cystic fribrosis? Im not eating anything, Im just fasting with vegetable and fruit juices and drinking all the urine I pass. Im letting my pancreas and the rest of my body to rest by just taking liquid. Im I doing the right thing? I also want to know..what Healing crisis really are? Is it really true that before you getting better u getting worse?? Does the old symptoms come and then go away...?..because I cant tell the difference if it is healing crisis im going through or that im just getting worse. Because Sometimes I have ear pains and sometimes its gone. and comes pack againg and goes away again. And lately Im swetting alot..can it be possible that the toxins are removed in that way? Sometimes I just want to give up life!! PLEASE GUYS, I REALLY NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!


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