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I hope this helps
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Published: 18 y

I hope this helps

Ok I was researching how to cure herpes or whatever and I came across Olive Leaf Extract. It talked about how it kills the virus. So I read about it and liked what I read and I purchased some. Before I purchased it, I was having an outbreak and I wasn't on any medicine but still I got some medicine around the time I bought it. Anyways, this was a bad ob, I had six or seven huge sores in my vaginal area, and it hurt really bad, anything irritated it. I started taking the Acyclovir and the olive leaf together. So that outbreak was over like a week after I started taking it together. I wanted to know was it the olive leaf or the acyclovir the one that you know made the ob stop. So I wasn't sure, but I continued to take the ol everyday like 8-12 a day. Then, I got another ob, but this time it wasn't as bad. I only had 2 sores that wasn't big at all and didn't hurt as much. So I continued to take the ol but this time I applied hydrogen peroxide on the sores everyday and the ob lasted a week. So I was happy because it only lasted a week, when before it lasted 3 1/2 weeks. Plus, I didn't want to take all them pills for acyclovir. But my happiness came to an end when, I felt the tingles of another ob coming. So I still continued to take the ol pills, and I noticed the ob was coming on my booty. When I looked at it, it started off as a bump at first, like always, but it didn't turn it stayed a bump. The bump stayed about 4 or 5 days and it was over. I became happy once again because I knew it ol was working. With my latest ob, 11-25 is when I got the little bumps, kept taking the ol and applying the hydrogen peroxide on them everyday like usual and 11-28 it was gone. I found out about OL like in the beginning of October but didn't post anything up here because I wasn't sure how it worked. But know I know how it works and I wanted people to know about it. The Olive Leaf Extract and the Hydrogen Peroxide really works. Please trust me.


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