Dr. David Martin is not saving words when accusing...
Eric B
37 mi
† C †
Dr. David Martin is not saving words when accusing the WHO and the elites!
Dr. David Martin is not saving words when accusing the WHO and the elites!
Watch only if you are ready to listen to a story hard to belive, but story served with all of the facts by this doctor!
Dr. David Martin: "For 110 years we have been lied to!"
"WHO, Pfizer and Moderna are killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals."
"When words 'Acceptable Death Rate' becomes a part of an industrial norm, we have lost a plot of humanity."
"It is up to you to share what will only be heard if you share it!"
Mercury (Thimerosal) in vaccines has not been test...
Eric B
4 h
† C †
Mercury (Thimerosal) in vaccines has not been tested since 1929.
Mercury (Thimerosal) in vaccines has not been tested since 1929.
Big-Pharma have, and always will be consciously corrupt, and grotesquely untrustworthy.
Ever wonder why society seems to be struggling wit...
Eric B
4 h
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Ever wonder why society seems to be struggling with declining energy, health, and intelligence?
"Ever wonder why society seems to be struggling with declining energy, health, and intelligence?"
"Fluoride bioaccumulates in the body, building up over time—especially in the thyroid gland.
This can lead to reduced thyroid function, causing fatigue, apathy, and even weight gain.
Studies show that when pregnant women are exposed to fluoride, their babies may have reduced IQ levels that can’t fully recover."
Mel Gibson: "The experts claimed that remdesivir w...
Eric B
28 h
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Mel Gibson: "The experts claimed that remdesivir would stop COVID. Instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs."
Mel Gibson: "The experts claimed that remdesivir would stop COVID. Instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs."
“Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of COVID patients in the hospital,” Stella Paul wrote in a previous report.
Unfortunately, Gibson’s gardener wasn’t as fortunate. After reportedly receiving the kidney-toxic treatment, he tragically passed away.
Naomi Wolf: Pfizer swapped out the original formul...
Eric B
3 d
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Naomi Wolf: Pfizer swapped out the original formula of the Covid shots, approved under EUA, for a more toxic formula containing known carcinogenic substances.
Naomi Wolf: Pfizer swapped out the original formula of the Covid shots, approved under EUA, for a more toxic formula containing known carcinogenic substances.
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