Emma Hansen's journey and all of what she did to r...
Eric B
86 mi
† C †
Emma Hansen's journey and all of what she did to recover almost fully from a severe vaccine injury
Emma Hansen
Please find my journey and all of what I did to recover almost fully from a severe vaccine injury. My full story is on my website. Please reach out if you have any questions. Emma
CNBC news anchor says all his friends and family a...
Eric B
5 h
† C †
CNBC news anchor says all his friends and family are developing cancer and having strokes, and raises questions about whether the increase in strokes, cancers, and other illnesses could be linked to...
CNBC news anchor says all his friends and family are developing cancer and having strokes, and raises questions about whether the increase in strokes, cancers, and other illnesses could be linked to the COVID-19 vaccines
Stephanie's healthy mom died seven minutes after r...
Eric B
22 h
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Stephanie's healthy mom died seven minutes after receiving a vaccine
Stephanie's healthy mom died seven minutes after receiving a vaccine
Stephanie, convinced the vaccine was the cause, accused the coroner of dishonesty for attributing the death to natural causes without an examination.
Spike Plasmid, Plasmid components and SV40 in Germ...
Eric B
26 h
† C †
Myocarditis rate for boosted in Swiss study, 1 in ...
Eric B
26 h
† C †
Do yo know the story of SV40 Virus? Virus that cau...
Eric B
4 d
† C †
Do yo know the story of SV40 Virus? Virus that causes cancer? Watch this, an eye opening account of what Bernice Eddy found and how she was silenced for trying to stop it!
Do yo know the story of SV40 Virus? Virus that causes cancer? Watch this, an eye opening account of what Bernice Eddy found and how she was silenced for trying to stop it!
13 day timeline from vaccine to onset, child paral...
Eric B
4 d
† C †
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