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Re: I have been preventing recurrences of basal cell carcinoma by taking Niacinamide.

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: I have been preventing recurrences of basal cell carcinoma by taking Niacinamide.

Notably Royal Jelly has all the B Vitamins from flower source and another dense food, Chaga Mushroom is considered extremely anti-cancer and "Both" are famous as Luxury foods for the face skin.

"strange" how so much history exist with the use of chemical vitamin C for cancers internally and externally-- vitamin c (acid) made from corn makes all foods, bad.

With all cancers, some cancer books believed cancer starts in the liver first, because it can be detected anywhere else..

The boss's where I worked, died of horrible skin cancers and they finally discovered it was caused by the florescent lights above their desk..D_____ Christopher son of Dr. John C. of S_____ of Natural Healing Fame---25 years ago was covered in skin cancer---5 years later it was from his feet to his forehead-----exactly like all my boss's experienced and sure enough---the school of natural healing which is a room above the herb store----all have florescent lights and above his desk---was a low hanging light--the same light his dad experienced.....and to make matters worse---on top of the same building, maybe 15 feet to the roof top---sets a Cell Phone "repeater"----and wild enough, when I explained that to him---he was too far "gone" to comprehend and I know 5 years later when it had moved to his feet----the exact same lights were there---proving he was too ate up to comprehend.

The light does not cause the skin cancer--it is the cheap little "starter" that enables the light to work...the frequencies caused deadly skin cancer..that often covers most of the body over a 20 year period.

With every disease, every cancer---the only true treatment is the entire body. Treating what hurts is great, but the full cure, if a healthier body...empowered blood...healthy blood.



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