Coward NPC zombies be like: 'this world is run by satan who resides under japan, everything is poisoned, nothing is affordable, this world is worse than hell'
Same coward NPC zombies 5 seconds later be like: 'we are expecting triplets and planning 19 more to have two full soccer team... these *Preventionists are so reckless, selfish, hateful and troll like...'
*Preventionists are the only true/real moral, ethical, loving, responsible, compassionate, noble humans on earth since they are preventing THE ROOT cause of ALL evil and problems by abstaining from forcing the root cause into existence via breeding like unconscious wild animals/beast/NPCs/zombies/bots in the first place: humans.
The world is not evil, breeders and prospective breeder ARE, since they are the spark that starts the creation of evil and problems.
You can thank a breeder for ALL the evil, problems and everything wrong in this world.