RA - What worked best for you?
I have a friend who has
Rheumatoid Arthritis . She goes through really debilitating pain in her wrists and knees that makes her unable to do everyday chores. I'm trying to help her because she suffers so much.
By researching on the internet, I found several possible solutions - plant-based raw diet, alkaline water, supplements like MSM, systemic enzymes, digestive enzymes, fasting, etc. She has started on animal-free, high raw diet recently, but it's too early to tell a difference. She's been on a medication for a few years now, and luckily she's managed to reduce her dosage by 50%, but she really wants to get off it completely.
We would really appreciate advice from people who have cured
Rheumatoid Arthritis or had success reducing the symptoms. What worked best in your case? I'm sure there isn't any one single magic bullet, but we would really appreciate people who conquered this condition sharing their first-hand experience and knowledge.
Thank you, have a wonderful and healthy day!