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Re: GMOs, GARDASIL, Vaccines, Autism, and the connection to ROPE WORM parasite.
search4truth Views: 20,872
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Re: GMOs, GARDASIL, Vaccines, Autism, and the connection to ROPE WORM parasite.

***UPDATE*** perhaps the AUTISM food allergies are simply MOLD ALLERGIES!!

WOW, I just looked up a list of MOLDY foods, which would cause the horrible reactions in kids who have autism (thanks to ROPE WORM + VACCINE)


Food additives (6)

• Sorbitol
• Mannitol
• Stearic acid
• Aspertame
• Tablet binders (in vitamins and medications)
• Soya lechithin

6 Preparation (2)

• Cold pressed oils
• Bottled dressings

6 Grains (8)

• Breads Sourdoughs are the worst (sometimes labeled yeast-free), such as pumpernickle, coffee cakes and other foods made with large amounts of yeast. Bread develops surface mold after a day. Tortillas, biscuits, muffins, cakes and cookies are yeast-free. Dough conditioners are moldy.
• Bran The outer cover of grain is variably moldy.
• Enriched pasta The vitamins may contain binding agents that have mold
• Boxed cereals. The vitamins may contain binding agents that have mold
• Whole wheat flour moldy
• Buckwheat Caused bad reactions in some
• Oats Organic oats seem to be fine
• Breads, pretzels, and crackers containing yeast

6 Fruits and vegetables (11)

• Dried fruits Raisins, dates, apricots, prunes, figs, etc.
• Mushrooms
• Over-ripe fruits & vegetables Discolored, wilted, mushy.
• Tomato products Juice, sauce, paste, ketchup etc. are made from moldy tomatoes.
• Fruit and Vegetables
• Oranges, lemons, and other acidic foods
• Bananac Fungicide is injected during growing
• Pineapple Chemically altered to produce year round
• White onions May contain aspergillus
• Grapes if the stems have turned brown Grapes are prone to aspergillus
• Corn, some nuts, cottonseed In the United States, aflatoxins have been identified in corn and corn products, peanuts and peanut products, cottonseed, milk, and tree nuts such as Brazil nuts, pecans, pistachio nuts, and walnuts. Other grains and nuts are susceptible but less prone to contamination.

6 Dairy (2)

• Aged cheese Cottage and cream cheese, mozzarella, provolone, ricotta and farmer's cheese are not aged and may be eaten if milk is no problem.
• Sour cream, sour milk, and buttermilk

6 Other beverages and liquids (8)

• Beer The darker the brew, the more mold it contains.
• Cider and homemade rootbeer Commercial rootbeer is fine.
• Wine and wine vinegar White wine is least moldy, clear vinegar may be tolerated.
• Most liquors Vodka, tequila, clear rum are least moldy.
• Vinegar and vinegar-containing foods Mayonnaise and other salad dressings, catsup, chili sauce, pickles, pickled beets, relishes, sauerkraut, and green olives
• Soy sauce
• Canned or frozen juices
• All sodas Some people found to only tolerate water

6 Meat (4) Do not eat meat or fish more than 24 hours old. Avoid food if made from leftovers such as meatloaf, hash and croquettes.

• Hamburger Often from aged meat, eat within a day of grinding, can be frozen.
• Pickled and smoked meats and fish Including delicatessen foods, sausages, frankfurters, corned beef and pickled tongue.
• Processed meats Hot dogs, sausage, salami, bologna, etc. Ham, turkey, pastrami may be OK.
• Beef is especailly bad

6 Products of aspergillus fermentation (6)

• Chocolate
• Tofu (Soy curd)
• Black tea
citric acid A very common food additive not derived from citrus fruit.
• Fruit juice (commercial) Often from moldy fruit, many contain mold enzymes added in processing.
• Malt extract (Bread, cereal)

• Multi-B vitamins Contain either yeast or mold (rice hulls are moldy)
• Leftovers East within 24 hours, unless frozen.

SO PERHAPS, these foods sensitive to children with autism are only SENSITIVE because of their MOLD CONTENT and the children with autism having ROPE WORM .... !!!!


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