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Published: 11 y


My son has candida overgrowth and something else, since I gave him lactobacillus gg he has had altered neurological and mental funtion, non autism behaviour and last week a full blown seizure after his condition started to get worse. The hospital checked for an infection but it is not an infection it has got something to do with his gut flora and I feel the health establishment are missing a golden opportunity to research this matter when he is presenting all these symptoms to them. He continues to have cold hands and feet which developed soon after I gave the lactobacillus gg and the E E G picked up a heart something or other and he has to have that investigated to rule anything out. He has been put on a low dose antibacterial and continues to take the fluconazole. I tried to get a urine sample before this started but he got ill and Biolab sent the test out late. I have to wait 2 weeks after finishing the antibacterial before we can try the test again. It is the moat test. I have not found anything on the internet yet concerning lactobacillus gg with seizures or altered mental state but I have watched my son get worse since last August since taking it and it is that. I am terrified he will have another seizure as it was a really bad one. There is no doubt he can not tolerate probiotics. It is not going to be easy to get his gut flora sorted out from this.


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