Hi. I get that once in a while. It appears to be related to the lymph system getting clogged, and it can happen to me if I eat something by accident that I react to. Or, it can happen if you are not drinking enough water, or have eaten too much salt, or too many carbs. Here is a good trick. Lie down on your back on the floor (or your bed if it is in the proper position for this) so that your butt is as close to the wall as possible, and your legs are up against the wall at as close to a 90 degree angle from your waist as you can muster. (in simple English, you are lying on the floor with your legs and feet against the wall as straight up as possible/comfortable. Lie there for 5-10 minutes. More is not better. This will get the lymph system flowing. You may also find that this action also triggers you to cough stuff up afterwards, or for your sinuses to drain. It is all good. :)