Cysts are caused by poor circulation. The same thing goes for Ovarian cysts (non-cancerous) Place Castor Oils packs on them frequently and they will disappear. Been there, done that.
I had multiple cysts on my spleen. With trial and error I tried everything to shrink them. Anyways, to make a long story short I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and placing Castor Oil packs on my spleen about 3 or 4 times per week. Afer a year I had another ultrasound for something unrelated and found that my cysts had shrunk!! I had to read it over and over again on the report. The one and only cyst remains at 1.6 cm! So we will see in another year if this too has shrunk!
All I can tell you is from my own experience. Whether it works for anyone else I can't say.
It's unlikely that a naturepath will even come with these 2 things.