wake - up
back up another 10 years before that--”every” american public school handed out 3 doses of polio vaccine ”free’
at least the public had a ”choice”----you showed up like ”sheep” and ....
wake - up
back up another 10 years before that--"every" american public school handed out 3 doses of polio vaccine "free'
at least the public had a "choice"----you showed up like "sheep" and drank the clear koolaid--a gov whistle blower warned---DO NOT drink the third dose, saying the goal was cancer-----so millions did not show for the third dosage....
back it up 30+ more years---watch the 2 hour polio vaccine documentary---a very very underground VHS video in the usa----was available via canada---(surely free on internet today) and they documented the creation of the african polio vaccine---they found all tbe facilities----where they killed 1,000's chimps and cut their live kidneys out of their backs and the lazy european scientist/drs all left their paper work in their abandoned buildings------proving how they did, why they did, paid the kings of each tribe to have his people line up and those that study such things have suggested as many as 1 billion died---not a million, a billion and before that they suggest 100 million africans via the world war 1 vaccine....and bush/trump both said that vaccine exterminated 200 million white people---world war had 1 weapon---the needle..bombs and clubs was just for show in every war...
then just look at 1949, they took to the air and sprayed texas, then by 1960's India/World and ukrain has what? 10+ usa chem labs that feed the jets and Russia warned them for years---stop your chemicals flowing over russia and europea refused....it has been about chemicals since 1915 and 1 unit, unit 731 has been the masters of chemical death since the first needle...they took to the air in 1949.
but that is the past----take any flunked out want to be dr today---when they fail, they may be offered a 10 year contract in africa--in the vaccine business......but that is all just hand picking-----just watch chinese tv when they show off their covid vaccine factory in Egypt, where no human works and AI robots create, package and store the covid vaccines at 100 below zero-------24hrs a day, 365 days every year and Trump was on tv from his desk where his close friend standing beside him says they ordered 2 billion covid the vaccines------
lawyer/sue------such ignorant slave talk----less smart than a new born dairy calf...
The "organized" are 100% "owned", from the lowest creature the highest judge---the lawyers all owned and as they share who is the judges, their buddies buy endless homes, yahts, around the world, stalked with food, cash and free keys---------- such slaves can not wake-up, to understand how evil the organized are is more than their brain can accept-----
watch the Captain Kirk show where he explains the world war 1 vaccine---how 100% of all news media was owned and corrupt prior to world war 1 as was every world leader---all owned and corrupt..they all agreed to murder their own soldiers---except for Spain, so the rest of the world said lets call our poison---the spanish flue
EVEN WILLIAM SHATNER knows the "basics" of world wide evil--------
Even William Shatner would not expose the "organized" greatest evil-----but AMAZON.COM does for just $8.For just $8 amazon will tell you the greatest crime in human history---far worse than using poisons to kill a few billion people--- and the slave brain can not comprehend such things; if it could, it would self-destruct because on that day---they realize what Jesus said this time---at the end, less than 30 people will Love God--- by that time how many humans will even exist on earth? How many will be mutated/partial humans, electronic/nano creatures that still look like a human..how many will love and obey only AI...
wake up puny slave, the "organized" rule every country, every city and Jesus and His Friends warned them all, just 80+ years ago----
the ignorant zombie, actually believes they can go to others for "help"---
To trust the organized is to deny God. The organized have lied 500+ years---everything they do serves evil, creates world slavery.