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Angel Love All Over You
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Angel Love All Over You Last night I was processing feelings of worthiness. I wanted to call Kimberly Marooney author of the Angel Love Cards. She called me today. 5:09 PM March 1, 07
Date: 4/10/2007 1:08:19 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Angel Love All Over You
Last night I was
processing feelings
of worthiness. I
wanted to call
Kimberly Marooney
author of the Angel
Love Cards. She
called me today.
5:09 PM
March 1, 07
The Worthiness card from
the Angel Love Card and Book set,
Cards of Divine Devotion, Faith, and Grace
by Kimberlye Marooney
The Angels called me in for an assignment today.
It was unexpected. We never know the hour of
His Coming, do we, or when the Angels come Knocking.
Last night in my weariness,
I was feeling worthiness issues.
Numbers of the people who I am called to work
with have so many projects going that they rarely
have time to answer back in more than email one liners.
Some never call at all, even when they say they will.
I am so grateful, when those one liners are positive.
They can be. This week I had to work on trust.
I put in about 40 hours meeting deadlines for
the Slide Shows for next weeks OTA and Organic Center
events. Then there were emails to Amy Summers
in Florida for a video. I had to do some time
consuming steps to bump up images
to 300 DPI in Photoshop. Quite laborious.
In the middle of this I send out emails seeking
funding for Joe's Berries that will transit
to Anaheim.
I also wanted to get some funding for all this work.
I got back a one liner about Joe's berries.
It wasn't the response
I was looking for RE: the berries. I do not imagine
the rest of the email was ever read. Maybe it was.
I was already in the middle of the timelines,
the deadlines so to speak. I had to keep going.
In the background I was still smarting from
unprocessed feelings RE: MEGA this weekend.
The Universe and the Powers that Be were shutting
the doors. In retrospect I was being foolhardy,
imagining I could go up there and still get the
Results that are Possible at NPEW next weekend.
Take today for example.
The EG Mobile is in the shop.
Mike needs a second day. He hasn't called.
That's fine.
Then I want to take Saturday to go to a very important
local food justice event. Highly significant gathering.
Monumental Possibilities to influence Bioregional local
farming and Global Warming issues. I learned some
deep lessons this week about what being local really means.
I realized some of the overwhelming loneliness I can feel
comes from few local bonds now than I would like.
Yes, I am a hermit in part. I need lots of alone time.
I am also happy with friends checking in, and active
feelings that say I am in the loop.
Something, anything that gives me a feeling
I am being heard, or what I am doing is effective.
This gathering this weekend here locally,
I feel I need to be there.
Nothing is lost from not going to MEGA now.
I am in Gratitude for all the feedback
from MEGA staff.
More will come later.
Learning is possible.
Correction is necesary.
Siempre Mejor, Professor Szekely would say.
Always better.
Doors will Open again, I know that,
with MEGA.
Last night in my weariness, I was thinking
of Kimberly Marooney, the creator of
the fabulous Angel Love Cards.
She actually was in San Diego and dropped
her Angel Love Cards personally. I was on the phone with
Twin Soul/Best Friend. I never answered the door
or took the call.
In very early morning this morning,
I had a radiant dream.
It was very esteeming.
I was told to make a New Job's Tear Card to carry
to NPEW. I was told to uphold the
last Closing Ceremony I did from Pac Symposium.
The new card has the line from Job's Prayer:
"Dare to Dance with water hoses."
More than that. I was giving out Job's Tears
to some Heart and Soul Exhibitors at the NPEW>
Your Enchanted Gardener, my Higher Self,
gave me a few lines to send to Mark and Staff.
I wanted to Bless the MEGA event.
I went to bed after midnight. I was exhausted.
I was up at five. By 7:30 AM I was up dressing
and then driving the EG Mobile over to Mike's.
More later...last rays of sunlight.
Be back...
5:24 PM
6:27 PM
Not sure how much more I can write now.
Very tired.
March 13, that's the day to
go to this link and buy
Kimberly's Angel Love Cards.
I am getting a lot from the Worthiness
one above, that I picked.
I picked Intimacy.
and Worthiness.
I promised Kimberly I would set up
a spcial page on The Seven Love Cures site.
One of The Seven Love Cures is going to
be one of the Special Gifts people get
if they buy the Angel Love Cards on March 13.
I am going to allow
"Because She is a Woman"
in one on-line format to be dowloadable
as a page.
To receive it, and other free gifts,
you can go here to order Kimberly Marooney's
Angel Love Deck, but the free gifts
only apply on March 29.
Angel Love Kit: Cards of Devine Devotion, Faith, and Grace
Kimberly just bought out the publisher of the Angel Card and
explanatory book.
He wasn't doing a good job, so she found a way to get him
out of the picture. Now she has a warehouse full of this lovely cards
inspired by Angels.
The Cards want to go out to do healing work.
Kimberly tells me that anyone who
buys the Angel Cards on March 13
to help her out, and goes to this web site
and enters the receipt number
will receive Special Gifts from her
friends who are all given back to this
wonderful woman who does so much good in our world.
She is making a special offer page that will appear here
on March 13 that offers up a
"treasure trove of incredible treats."
Kimberly recommends different music to go
with taking in the various Angel messages.
The worthiness card is inspired by a group
of Angels, The Worthiness Angels.
I see that in the book that goes with these cards,
it reminds me that I am worthy of God's love.
"What is your sense of self-worth connected to?"
the book asks.
Is it connected to money?
My answer is yes. I do feel that.
"Some symptoms of this are feeling superior or better
when you have more money and ashamed or inferior when you don't have
"True worthiness is a quality of the soul," the book says,
"The truer part of you."
This is only superficial to what is said in the book
on pages 51, 52, 53, There are also practical suggestions
that go with each card, including music to play, and things
to do that will shift the energy.
I spend at least one hour with Kimberly today.
She told me about this site
that keeps her in touch with others who
respond to her website.
Kimberly is a great fan of The Seven Love cures.
She says I could have
30 days of love poems from Your EG
that go out to people who want my newsletter.
I need to rest.
Then, I will create a page on the site
where I keep The Seven Love Cures.
Kimberly will give that URL away to anyone
who buys her cards on March 13.
There will be lots of free things
offered up by her friends,
including chapters on e-book from her book
on Angels.
Kimberly is a heart felt woman.
Her life is about service.
That warehouse back East wants
to be emptied. Her Angel Love
is a good thing in the world now.
I spend at least one hour with Kimberly today.
She told me about this site
that keeps her in touch with others who
respond to her website.
I am going to study this.
IT is a Newsletter program
She also taught me some things about
the Amazon Associates Program
that I use, but rarely.
There is a page for making product links.
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