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"Naked Woman" Spins
(Plant Your Dream!)

"Naked Woman" Spins by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Earth Healing through Relationship

Date:   7/7/2007 10:20:06 AM ( 17 y ago)

8:13 AM
July 7, 2007


Dr. Bernard Jensen said,
"A Naked Woman Spins."
In other words, when it is cold outside,
she knits, especially if she needs clothes.
had some tremednous insights into the nature
of relationship and how relationship gives us
wisdom today. Here are some of my inspirations.
I will write more on this later.
A day to make some progress decluttering,
and organizing.

Tune in The Internet Radio Today
for Earth Healing.

I will talk more about heali
ng the earth
through relationship later....

Your EG


This is a Powerful Day for Earth Healing.

What is one of the most significant ways to heal the Earth?

It is through improving the Quality of Relationshhip.

How do we improve the Quality of Our Relationship with

This is done through recognizing
the Gift of Intimacy, and exercising
the Willingness to expose ourselves in Love
with another.

Love makes the world go round.

Love is more than a romantic feeling although
as an emotion it is felt strongly in the heart.

Heart Pain can come when the emotion of Love
in the Heart is unrequited, it can come when
the emotion of Love through the heart is
short circuited.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, my spiritual father,
saw more than 350,000 patients in his day.

He was well aware of the emotional aspect
of much of the symtoms he saw in his patients.

He would say that emotion, means "I move."

He was referring to the movement of energy through the
Heart and other organs.

The lack of movement of energy registers in various

Emotional Heart Pain comes when the energy we would
like to give to others and the love coming back to us
does not get a chance to flow back and forth.

It is natural to want to Love.
It is more difficult to sustain Love between two people;
this takes utmost courage and will to stay in the Game.

What is the Game of Relationship?

What is it really about?

It is about Soul Growth.

It is about for the sake of Personal Growth
accepting we have Choosen Our Life and we Choose
the People in our Life for the Opportunity to Growth.

The Earth and the Soul are Soilmates.

The Earth is an expression of our physicality.
The Soul an expressing of our Divine Unique Individual Nature
that is born on earth by the Creator to Inspire the Creation.

How do we Growth?

We Choose to come together in Relationship
with another person.

How do we know why we have come together?

How do we gain Self Knowledge about this?

It is helpful to Know what is the potential between
two people.

The person who accepts they are a Soul--
an individuality within the Energy that is God--
will come eventually to see that God in
full expression has created Divination Tools.

The eye as an example.

Dr. Jensen, as well as many, many wholistic cultures
knew that the Iris--and the Sclera--are windows
to the Soul.

You Can read the what the energy is doing
through the Iris.

You can also--amazingly--read what the Soul
is Asking--through a Deck of Playing Cards!

The first couple pages of "The Book of Destiny"
by Robert Lee Camp, explains the Science of the Playing Cards.

This Science was known in ancient times
to what what called the Order of the Magi.

Many others as well looked to the Heavens, as
well as to Plants, and were able to read the energies
of the Planets as reflected in All Growing things.

In the Realm of Agriculture, some of this great
knowledge was known the Seer Rudulf Steiner,
and the Renaissance Genius Goethe.

Steiner planted the seed of Biodynamic Gardener
that contains some of this knowledge.

In the Realm of Relationship,
We are influenced by the movement of water
and the movement of all Living Things.

Robert Camp explains:

"Many people have never stopped to wonder about the many interesting
things associated with our common playing cards. Why for instance,
are there fifty-two cards in a deck? Why four Suits?

What do these suits represent, if anything?

Where did the playing cards come from?

I would like to share with you some interesting connections
that our cards have with our world
and reveal to you why they are actually a calender that is intimately
connected to our life here on Earth.

The Deck of Cards is Our Calendar

"Let's examine some of the things our little deck and calendar
have in common.

First of all, as I just mentioned there are four suits of thirteen
cards each, totally fifty-two cards, plus a Joker.

Let's begin with the number 52. What else is their fifty-two of that
is common knowledge?

Well, there are fifty-two weeks in a year.

Now, in numerology, we reduce numbers by adding their digits.
If we reduce the number 52, we get 5 +2=7--the number of days in a week,
and the number of visible planets.

Seven is a very magical number in many ways and is considered
the most spiritual number.

IT is also used extensively in many mystical traditions, including the Bible.

Fascinating, isn't it?

We can imagine that sometime in our ancient past, man discovered
that a full year comprised something in the neighborhood of 365 days and nights.

Looking into the heavens, they also noticedthe sun, moon, and five other visible
'objects' that we now know are planets circling our sun.

Taking their combined number 7, and dividing the nubmer of days in a year by it, they cmae up with fifty[two cycles in a year that we now call weeks.

The wise ones realized that this number had much more
signficance and used these simple facts as a springboard for more advanced study.

Once again, taking the numerology of the cards, we assign numberic values
to each of the cards.

The Aces are 1, the Two, 3, and so forth until we get to the Jack.

The Jack is given the value of 11, the Queen 12, and the King 13.

Now, if we add up all the number values of every card in the deck, what do you guess will be the result?

This means four times thirteen for the four Kings plus
four times twelve for the four Queens, etc.

What would be the resulting total of every care in the deck?

Did you guess 365?

Well, that's pretty close.

The total actually comes to 364.

We know that there are 365 and 1/4 days in a year,
so what happened and so what happens to the other
day and 1/4?

There is also another card in the deck that we haven't
counted yet, and that is the Joker.

And guess what?

The Joker's value is exactly that of one and one quarter,
which brings the total value of the deck of cards
to exactly equla the number of days in a year..."

From "The Book of Destiny"

More later...
got to declutter

10:27 AM

Love from Leslie


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