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Night Of Miracles!
(Plant Your Dream!)

Night Of Miracles! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Last night, The EG Mobile would not start. Leslie was due to speak that night and had to get to North County 1 hour away. What would he do?

Date:   5/23/2007 7:00:14 AM ( 17 y ago)

4:40 AM
May 23, 2007


Rhonda Mason, psychotherapist,
Soul Retrieval Expert taught by the esteemed
Ellen Kaufman Dosick, arrived four minutes early
to the Shavuot service at the home of
Rabbi Wayne Dosick and the Rabbichen (Sp?).

Upon arrival, Ms Mason said,
"Maybe I should take another ride around the block!!!"
She had completely arrived Contrary to Jewish Standard Time--
She looked at her Time Piece: She was four minutes Early.
Oh My God!!!!

In the Vehicle with her was Your Enchanted Gardener,
Leslie A Goldman, who had two baskets.

One was filled with Joe Rodriguez Jr, locally picked
organic strawberries, and a fragrant Maui Gold Pineapple,
Whole Foods Market Hillcrest Quality. His other Basket
had the Holy Crop of Barley, still Unshucked,
that Goldman had harvested in the days leading up to Shavuot,
the Holy Time when All the Peoples of All Tribes
Gather at Sinai to hear the Eternal Living Voice of God.

The basket also contained the chaff from the Barley Crop,
that he had brought for the Jewish People.

Other items were a white rose picked that night,
and a fragrant Lemon Verbena plant, and notes.

Ms. Mason spoke that evening eloquently on # 3 of the
Ten Commandments, "You Shall not sear Falsely..." I.E. be a liar.

Goldman, and nine others each had ten minutes to give a teaching
on each of the Ten Commandments.

Goldman spoke on #7. "You Shall not commit Adultery."
He said he had researched the subject well in preparing for his talk.

This is how the Night of Miracles unfolded:

At approximately 5:30 PM, 1 1/2 hours before Arrival Time at
Sinai, Goldman entered the Drivers Seat of the EG Mobile,
his God Vehicle. He turned on the Ignition. The Lights went
on, but there was no Ingiting!!!!

The EG Mobile would not start. It did not want to leave the
Enchanted Garden Intentional Community!!!!

What was Your Enchanted Gardener to do??????

He spoke to God!
God said, "Call Rhonda Mason, National and Local Jewish
Renewal Leader, and a participant in the "Don't Eat the Matzah"
First Annual Enchanted Garden Sedar.

Goldman called Mason on two phones at once.
The Cell went through and she answered.

Goldman spoke. He asked her for a ride.

She said, "yes," however, asked if he could
ask one of his Housemates to bring him up to
her home about 20 minutes away.

Goldman hesitated. Who could he ask for help????

At that point Time was fleeting.

Paris Bingo, noted international Troubadour,
a resident at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community,
put on his Vehicle Fixing Garden Gloves to check out
the situation. Paris fiddled with some cables
but there was no Bingo.

Goldman pondered who could he call?

The only other Resident home was Anna.

They had just had a Energy Blowout the Day before,
as was more than common between the two Housemates.

Goldman hesitated. He did not want Anna energy
in his field, although she was likely the Ride
that he needed.

He saw the Sign of the Times, and what God
was asking of him. "Go Make Peace with Anna.
You cannot continue to live this way under one roof."

Goldman went inside the house.

He called Ms. Mason back.

"Rhonda, I cannot get a ride.
Please pick me up."

She said yes.

Then, he went to his bed and laid down.
From there he dialed the Phone # of Anna.

"Anna, I would like to talk to you,"
He spoke full with overflowing Yin.

"If I am ever disrespectful to you,
please let me know. I know these are difficult
times. I know you are preparing for Final Exams.
This is the summer when we are going to clean up the basement.
I did not want to tell you this. I wanted to respect
that you were overwhelmed with preparing for your Final Exam."

She said, "I appreciate that." She was calm and generous.

They talked more and Cleared the energy.

Goldman realized that he could not have his relationship
with Anna to be Out of Order. He knew there were just too man
Good Things happening in his life, but None of them would
come to Be while this close to home energetic was happening.

Goldman knew and say, even thought this was going to be
a difficult summer of The Great Earth Cleanup at the Enchanted
Garden--where a ton of decluttering was needed--he wanted
to approach the situation in a Loving Manner.

Anna and Goldman are both near packrats
and have lived together for more than eight years.

As the Energy Cleared and became Peaceful--
Your Enchanted Gardener had a knock on the Door.

He said "Come in!"

It was Angelene. She had some Challah in her hand
with butter on it.

"My Spirit says you are suppose to eat this Challah!"

Goldman said, "No thank you, but he asked Angelene
for a ride.

She said, "Yes!"

Goldman called back Mason. They made a Rondevous
point. Angelene's intervention saved Ms. Mason
a presumed hour of drive time through thick traffic
heading South.

Angelene and Leslie had a good talk on the way
up to the Rendevous point.

Angelene is one of Your Enchanted Gardener's close
allies at the EGIC.

The exchange of Your Enchanted Gardener to the vehicle
of Ms. Mason went smoothly. Then they went north.

When all was said and done that night,
lovely Community Sharing,
lovely feasting and commaraderie,
the sharing of Holy Teachings by All,
Your Enchanted Gardener knew that the EG Mobile,
an Instrument of God, had intervened to bring
a Profound Healing between he and Anna.
This was what God had wanted for this Holy Night
for All to Gather at Sinai.



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